Chapter 10

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For hours, Eli lay there with his mate, not giving up, his voice hoarse and his body tired.

His only focus was his mate, he knew that Seth and Nathan would take care of things, while he remained there in the room with Keira.

Just before dawn of the following day, did Eli feel the bond strengthening, his mate's wolf was making her presence known, feeling his mate's heartbeat strengthen, he placed a gentle kiss on his mate's forehead, "You are mine always..." He quietly whispered, relief coursing through him as he felt her wolf accepting them.

Holding his mate in a gentle embrace, he allowed himself to succumb to a peaceful slumber.

Keira was slowly coming awake, various sensations were penetrating her foggy mind. Her wolf was back, she didn't feel as much pain, there was a strong heartbeat beneath her...that last bit of info, had her instantly alert.

Opening her eyes, she lifted her head, only to freeze in shock and confusion, as her eyes clashed with dark green eyes, gazing intently at her with love and adoration, "How...?" She asked through dry lips, licking them, noticing as his eyes flared in lust at that small action, her body heating up at his gaze.

Eli had felt his mate stir, opening his eyes gazing at her lovingly, he waited patiently, and when her blue eyes connected with his, he was spellbound. But, when she innocently licked her lips, it took all of his willpower too not claim her, reminding himself that she was still weak.

"Hello mate..." He murmured huskily, enforcing his claim with words.

Keira's body shivered in pleasure, hearing his deep husky voice, her mind a whirlwind of questions. But before she could utter a word, her stomach embarrassingly growled in protest, a blush forming on her face, she groaned in embarrassment, lowering her head.

Feeling the male shake in laughter at her embarrassment, loving the sound. She then only realised that she was lying on top of a very naked chest and she herself was naked, further adding to her embarrassment.

"It seems I am neglecting my mate..." The male spoke after a few minutes.

Before she could protest, there was a knock on the door, the male lifted her gently up, then placing her back down on the bed, covering her up with a blanket, giving her a gentle kiss, before making his way towards the door.

Eli could feel the heated gaze of his mate, as he made his way to the door. Opening the door, he found Seth in the hallway carrying a tray of food as he had ordered.

"How is our Luna?" Seth enquired.

Eli grinned, "Getting there...I'll let you know how it progresses. Thank you for this."

Taking the offered tray, he went back into the room, shutting the door.

Noticing that Keira was sitting up, the blanket covering her delectable body from his gaze, "I got us some food, and we are going to need it." He subtly hinted, loving the blush that formed on her face, when his meaning caught on.

Shaking her head, Keira tried to focus, her wolf was constantly chanting the word mate. For some reason or the other, the thought of her first mate's rejection, did not affect her anymore.

But this male, who stood before her, larger than life, with his tall frame, muscular body, brown hair and dark green eyes, was making her body react intensely. Even more so, than Ryker ever did.

"May I know your name?" She huskily asked, gazing at the male before her.

"Eli..." He responded, placing the tray across her lap, then proceeding to sit next to her, feeding her and himself some food, ignoring her protests.

Satisfied that she had eaten enough, he removed the tray, lifting his tiny mate into his arms, smirking at her surprised gasp, he sat back down with her in his lap, "Just so you know, that we aren't going to leave this room, until we have at least marked each other..." He firmly stated, making sure that his mate understood that there was no room for negotiations or delays.

He needed her to besecure in the knowledge that there won't be any rejections. He might be hersecond chance, but she was his first and last in every other way.

A Precious Claim - Book 1 - Finding Their Mate SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now