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Flashback 0: First sleepover, age 3 (they have their quirks younger than normal)
Fumikage was laying on the one side of the bed, Tsuyu on the other but they were facing opposite directions. Soon Tsu turned to her friend who had her back to her before whispering.
"Fumichan? Are you awake?" She asked as she gently prodded her friend who turned to face her.
"Yeah, I couldn't sleep Tsuya." He responded, tentatively placing a hand on the side of her face
"I couldn't sleep either," Tsu said as she scooted closer to him before wrapping her arms around her friend and laying her head next to his. He quickly wrapped his free hand around her and smiled as he shut his eyes. She decided to lay a gentle kiss on his beak before snuggling into his chest and closing her eyes. "I love you Fumichan. Ribbit."
"I love you too Tsuya... goodnight." he held her closer and smiled. He loves her, he loves his best friend and he loves to tell her
"Goodnight Fumichan..." She slowly fell asleep in his arms, a young Fumichan who was more comfortable holding his friend began to sleep.
Flashback 1: 8-9 years old
"FUMICHAN!!!" A younger Tsuyu said, running to a small bird-headed boy awkwardly sobbing into his hands "What's wrong Fumichan?" She asked
"M-my g-g-grandma d-died l-l-last n-night..." He choked between heartbreaking sobs "I-I... I miss h-her..." The green-haired girl just wrapped her arms around him
"I'm sorry for your loss... she was nice and made really good cookies and would always read to us and hug us..." She remembered the fun they had helping his grandmother make cookies and reading stories. Tsu saw him move his hands and felt him wrap them around her, pressing his face into her shoulder as he sobbed. She ended up sobbing too, holding onto her best friend tightly and trying to assure him that everything would be okay. She let go of him before leaning off him. Soon moving her hands to his face which she removed from her shoulder before stroking and petting his feathers soothingly. She felt him become more relaxed and decided to slowly lay a few gentle kisses on the top of his beak, all the while paying attention to his reaction. Fumikage, known as Fumichan to his friend, just leaned into her hands and weakly smiled. Tsu saw this as a sign that he was okay with it continuing to pet, stroke, and kiss him slowly.
"T-Thank y-you Tsu." He said,
"I love you Fumichan..." She said softly, knowing that it wouldn't be the last time she'd say it, though it wasn't the first time she had told him it was the saddest and perhaps most important. She wasn't lying, she loved her best friend and would tell him all the time, hearing him respond with an 'I love you too.' every time without fail. They'd do stuff like this that would normally be seen as intimate even though they aren't in a romantic relationship, it's just how they are, two affectionate children, one shy and quiet, the other outgoing and loud, both playful and gentle. It's something they've done for as long as they could remember.
"I love you too Tsu..." Fumichan said, holding her closely, he hadn't stopped crying though the tears had slowed. Tsu continued to caress and kiss his face while he leaned on her, his heart still hurt but it hurt less with his best friend by his side. Tsu just held her best friend's face then leaned her forehead against his own, looking into his eyes. Fumichan held on to her tightly, not wanting to let go of her any time soon.
"Do you wanna come inside Fumichan?" Tsu asked, holding him "I don't want you to get cold out here."
"I'll go inside with you, Tsu..." he said as Tsu continued to pet and stroke up and down the sides of his face before laying a quick kiss on his beak. It hadn't been the first time she kissed him and they both knew that it wouldn't be the last yet it was time he needed her most so she was there, holding him, trying to cheer him up and kiss away his sadness.
Flashback 2: First month at UA
They still weren't dating though they were closer, they would still hold and kiss each other as if they were.
"Wait, you two aren't dating?" Ashido asked "I thought you were. I saw her kiss you and assumed you were."
"Tsu is my best friend and I've known her for as long as I can remember. We're just really affectionate with each other and it's been a thing since we were little. All of my happiest memories have Tsu in them." Fumikage said as Tsu hugged his arm and nodded to agree with what he was saying
"I remember when we were like seven my family went on vacation and we took him with us, ribbit. I have a bunch of pictures of us from back then, he's even in a couple of family my photos! His family joined mine for a couple of 'Thanksgivings'." Tsu remembered, smiling
Flashback 3: Together at last
"Hey, Fumikage? Can I talk to you quickly? It shouldn't take too long." Tsu said gently grabbing his hand and smiling
"Huh, sure? What do you need?" He asked as he looked at her, confused
"Come on!" She said before dragging him behind the building, wanting nothing more than to talk to her closest friend "So I'm gonna be blunt, I don't love you like a brother or a friend. I want you to see me as more than your friend, I want you to see me as, well... your girlfriend." She said, still clutching his hand and smiling
"Then I hope you see me as more than just a friend because I love you. This isn't like the times I've told you before, I'm telling you that I love you as more than a friend or the sister I never had. I'm telling you what I want you to see me as, your boyfriend. I love you Tsuya." He said, remembering a nickname that he had given her when he struggled to pronounce her actual name, Tsuyu.
"You haven't called me that in years Fumichan." She smiled "I think the last time I've heard that name was when we were seven."
"You also stopped calling me Fumichan when we were like nine or so." He reminded her
"I thought you might not like it anymore because it's a childish name." She admitted
"I like the nickname, even though it is a bit childish." He smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist "I hope you know that nothing has to change between us." He added
"I don't want anything to change, I just needed you to know how I love you." She smiled
"I don't want anything to change either," He smiled, holding her closer and tighter "I just want, no need you with me. Forever. I love you, Tsu."
"I love you too Fumichan." She smiled and jumped up, placing her hands on his shoulders for support before kissing his beak gently.
Flashback 4: Graduation
"Congratulations young heroes. While you venture out into the world fighting villains and protecting people I wish you the best of luck in the future. It truly was an honor to teach you and now watching you leave to join the ranks as pro-heroes and go on to lead your own lives fills me with pride. I believe that every single one of you is full of potential and hope that you use the skills you have learned and the ones you will continue to learn to keep upholding the law, to keep protecting the citizens." All Might said as we were all handed diplomas and their hero licenses "It truly has been a wonderful three years with you all," They went on with their speeches and soon after the ceremony had finished then everyone left. (Didn't have ideas for this)
Flashback 5: Marriage
"You may now kiss the bride." Fumikage leaned forward and gently kissed Tsuyu, wrapping my arms around her waist and feeling her lean into it. After a few moments, he pulled away and leaned my forehead against hers before feeling her lift her hands to cup my cheeks.
"I love you Fumichan..." She whispered and smiled, tears of joy streaming down her face as she pressed her lips against his beak once more
"I love you too Tsuya." He whispered back once she pulled away. It was a small ceremony with only their direct family, closest friends, and their spouses, kids allowed as Eri had come with Midoriya and Uraraka who were likely to be the next ones to marry though none would be surprised if it were Kaminari and Kyoka or even Todoroki and Yaoyorozu.
Flashback 6: 3rd Anniversary
Tsuyu held a small box covered in black wrapping paper tied with a silver ribbon behind her back and walked to sit beside her husband who also had a small box behind his back.
Fumikage smiled as he took the box from behind his back so Tsuyu did the same and held it out to him with a smile on her face. She watched as he opened the box and saw his face light up as he took a shirt from the box before he wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly after seeing that the T-shirt had the words 'Father To Be' printed on the front, 'Father' in a soft pink 'To Be' in light blue as they didn't know the gender or genders.
Flashback 7: Arrival
Tsuyu was laying on the bed and had her eyes clenched shut as she squeezed her husband's hand tightly, pushing as hard as she could.
"Just breath Mrs.Tokoyami, breath..." The midwife said and after about 12 hours more of excruciating pain for Tsuyu it was done, Fumikage and Tsuyu now have a beautiful daughter, Kiko Tokoyami, who was currently asleep in her father's arms as her mother was getting some much-needed rest, though.
"Hello there little one... I'm your dad..." He said as he held his daughter and after an hour or so she began to cry.
"Come here Fumichan... She's probably hungry." Tsu said tiredly so he handed her their daughter, Tsu took out a boob and began to breastfeed the abnormally small infant. The small child immediately latched onto the breast of her mother and began to suckle hungrily.
Normal time
And that lead them to where they are now.
Their daughter cooing and babbling standing the crib while holding the wall things and jumping.
"Good morning sweetie." Tsuyu said as picked her daughter up and bounced her in her arms. Kiko babbled happily as her momma gave her attention which caused Tsuya to smile and kiss her forehead. Fumikage woke up and walked in the room, smiling at his wife and daughter "Good morning you two, want me to make breakfast?"
End Of Oneshot

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2020 ⏰

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