Retirement (Mahirat)

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"MS Dhoni retires from all formats of Cricket"

And that was the main headline on every newspaper published that day.

He clutched his head tightly as he felt a very bad headache. All the circumstances that led to his bhai's sudden retirement flashed through his mind.

'The ODI worldcup semifinal 2019 and Mahi Bhai's runout which finished their last hopes'

'How Mahi took a break from cricket and how it prolonged '

'Rishabh's bad form and his hope that bhai will soon come back to the team'

'And Rishabh's injury and Rahul's entry'.

'When Rahul was playing magnificently not that he wasn't happy yet he knew that for Mahi bhai everything was getting tougher'

'The hope he had that Mahi bhai will have a good IPL Season and he will be selected to the worldcup squad '.

'But the outbreak of coronavirus made his hopes fall'

'All major tournaments were postponed and IPL too'

'And yesterday Dada declared that IPL was cancelled'

'But the worst news was yet to come'

' An hour after Dada's declaration the world got that shocking news'

'I Guess this is the right time to end it all. Therefore I am declaring my retirement from all forms of cricket. Thanks for all the love and support showered on me so for' -Mahi Bhai tweeted.

Now sitting on his flight to Ranchi he was determined to prove to his bhai that it is not the time to end anything.

Media and fans were crowded in front of Mahi bhai"s house while the security was trying hard to control them. When the media saw him they bombarded him with questions that he ignored and got in through the gate that the security had opened for him.

Mahi was playing with Ziva still wondering if his decision was right when he opened the door and rushed to him.

"Virat Chachu", Ziva ran to him excitingly and was disappointed to find that he forgot to bring her favorite chocolates.

" Ziva, go inside and ask chocolates to mom. She will give you", Mahi quickly sent her as he knew that Cheeku wanted to talk to him, alone.

As soon as Ziva went Virat attacked Mahi bhai with questions.

"Mahi bhai, what do you mean by saying this is the right time. You are still fit to play. You are still the best wicketkeeper in India. And how could you retire without winning T20 WC 2020 and most importantly without playing your retirement match. You can't really leave cricket quietly and think that our team will allow you to".

As Virat stopped Mahi bhai who was quietly listening to him finally started talking.

" Virat I am 38. Now Rahul is playing really well as a wicketkeeper and batsman. I had planned that I would announce my retirement after this IPL season but as now it is cancelled I don't have any choice".

Virat do thought that he had a choice but didn't said that.

Seeing Virat's gloomy face Mahi bhai continued :"Cheeku please understand me. This is part of the game. When you are age-over you have to give chances to the youngsters. Rahul is just perfect. He will be a key factor on this WC".

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