Gone from sight, not from hearts

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"Okay I will inform him".

As Ravi Shastri disconnected the call all he was able to think about was Siraj's smiling face which greeted him before heading out for practise that morning.

He didn't knew how to inform the boy about the loss he suffered.

He took his phone again to see the time and his worries increased as he found that the team will be back in less than half an hour.

Ravishastri thought that he should inform Virat first.


Virat was a bit startled as he got a message from Ravishastri which read:

There is a bad news

As he saw Ravi sir to typing his heartbeat increased.

Siraj's father passed away yesterday

The next message read and the first thing Virat did was to search for Siraj in the team bus to find him speaking normally with Umesh and Pujji.

He was able to imagine his smiling face inside that mask as he saw that shine in his eyes.

For him it felt to be a personal loss.

He has seen Siraj's father once and that day was unforgettable for him.

That love he got from Miyan's family. He still remember his father holding his hands and that one look from him was enough for Virat to get what he was trying to convey.

Take care of my son

He again glanced at Siraj who was now laughing at some joke cracked by Ash and that realisation that this won't last for much long was already hurting Virat.

Jinks who was sitting opposite to Virat was quick to notice the changes in his facial expressions after he saw something on his phone.

"What happenened Vee", he inquired.

"Will tell you later", Virat signalled.

All he needed now was some time. He knew that it was him who should tell Miyan about it. And he was trying to be prepared mentally. He knew how hard it would be to for him to accept.


Siraj was puzzled on why the supporting staff was sending sympathetical glances at him since he returned after practise. Wasnt everything fine at morning? He wondered.

Manish who was not there for practise came to him and put his arm around his shoulder and told him to be strong. Now he knew that something was really wrong. Is he missing something ?

"Miyan, will you come with me for a moment? I want to talk to you", he heard Virat bhai asking him and instantly nodded his head and followed his bhai. He was surprised as Virat took him to Ravi sir's room.

Something is really wrong, he thought to himself.


As Virat entered with Siraj to Ravishastri's room he was greeted by Ravi sir who appeared to be waiting for them.

Siraj was asked to take a seat and Virat and Ravi sat next to him.

"Miyan", Virat started but wasn't sure how to continue

"Tell me Virat bhaiyya", Siraj encouraged

"Miyan", Virat started again.

Siraj was able to see the nervousness in his captain's and coach's face and was now trying to compose himself to face even the worst news.

"Your father", Ravi continued.

"Abba?", Siraj's voice broke

"Is no more", Virat completed.

Siraj looked at Virat for a moment. His face was blank.  He was still trying to register what he heard.

Suddenly as if that realisation him his face trembled. He clutched the arms of the chair to hold his emotions. His eyes filled of tears. Virat or Shastri didn't knew how to console him. Virat slowly put his arms around his shoulder and Shastri rubbed his back. Siraj cried on Virat's arms. Virat let him cry. Flashes of an incident which happenened 15 years ago was all Virat had in his mind that moment.


The team was trying to keep him busy and was trying their best to be with him always.

Jaddu bhai spent a lot of time with him telling him some old Jamnagar stories.

Shreyas showed some newly learned magic tricks.

Ash bhai discussed with him a lot about his new ideas on his YouTube channel.

Yuzi even showed him some very secret videos he took without his teammates' knowledge for his Chahal tv.

Kuldeep was busy showing him his paintings .

Mayank introduced him with some yoga asanas to keep mind calm.

They even conducted a mini football match and his team's forward players Sanju and Virat bhai even had a disagreement on who will play as the defender to play Siraj in forward position. Just to keep him busy !

He wasn't knowing how to console his mother over phone but he tried to do his best.

That night he wasn't able to sleep. And how could he ? He lost his father, his biggest support. Finally he let all the tears he was holding back. And it was even worst that he wasn't even able to attend his funeral. He wasn't even able to see his father for a last time. Somehow be tried to console himself thinking that he is in Australia to fullfil his father's biggest dream. The dream of his son making his country proud. He wiped off the fresh tear which rolled out of his eye and tried to smile.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2020 ⏰

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