Back to School...

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Ironic title I know

After slightly getting over my migrane I should say I convinced Autumn to come with me and Mio to Beacon. I took alot of time and now it was around sundown as we started down to road to our ships. Not that time mattered to me because well hyper-speed ships, or close to, are a nice thing to own. Me and Autumn were slightly infront of Mio and a question arose.

Who was letting Mio ride in their ship? On one hand I had already flew her over to Autumn's house and she was, I would guess, a little bit more comfortable around me. On the other hand Autumn and Mio needed to get to know each other because a good fireteam knows each member like themself. Autumn gave the point that it was only like 5 minuets so we decided Mio was riding with me today...and possibly forever until we get her a good pair of wings. How I miss Holiday.

Timeskip brought to you by me unable to keep my story alive

So after 10ish minuets we were at Beacon with anyone and everyone who was outside staring at what I guess was my fireteam and not the ships. I mean I am still a mystery to the school and I come with a 'robot' and a reletively cute girl. Shit did I...ok that was in my head and my cheeks are red. Both pairs.

Strolling into the school didnt turn the attention away it brought more. Students in the halls going back to their dorms, couples *fake throw up noise*, kids wandering the halls, and kids looking out from their dorms at the comotion. I felt my scroll buzz with a message from Ozpin. I looked at my team and signaled to follow me at a faster pace. The fast pace turned into a sprint as students caught on and walked faster. I dont know why I or my team is interesting...maybe the blue skin, 'robot man' and cute girl...fuck me I did it again.

We got to the elevator in time for it to close before students showed up and I heard Glynda on the other side yelling or scolding the students. I smiled and soon gulped knowing I was next for causing the ruckus and not being at school without notice for around 3 days I think. We got up to the wizard's office and the two behind me tensed up. I eased them and said me and Oz were pretty chill.
(Dialogue boys, its dialogue time)

"Hey Oz how are you. How has th-"

"Y/n please tell me why you were gone for 2 weeks and who the other two are."

I was shocked. Two weeks! Is my time perception off or is Bell's clock off?

"Weeeelllll the 2 weeks is because my time perception could possibly still be off," I felt Autumn nod his head a little like he had gone through the same thing. ", and the other two are an old friend and the other is the second reason I was gone for that long. I introduce you to my good old friend Autumn-3 or just Autumn and My new fireteam member Mio, a newly resurected gaurdian.

Ozpin had a shocked look on his face when I introduced the two maybe- you know what Glynda is here and I can feel the rage directed at me.

"Mr. L/n why did you leave your duties-" Oz cut her off.

"Glynda he explained everything to me so I think giving him 2 weeks of detention is okay."

Glynda was still teeming with anger but calmed a little. The spotlight was now back to me and my fireteam.

"So Y/n what should we do about your guests?" Oz looked at me with a face I knew all too well. I gave him a smirk knowing I gathered some knowledge on the side.

"Well I was hopeing you could register them in the Acadamy on my team or," I paused. My grin fading away. "You will lose your only shot at stoping Salem forever."

Yeah I am going to cockblock you like that who do you think I am. Nice? Never heard of it. Other than that I have no idea if I can get a schedual down with all the homeschooling and me hopping back into D1 while playing D2 for Trials of Osiris.

Love ya all

Word count w/o authors message:690

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