Chapter One - Space Junk

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Everything seemed odd, Fuzzy. All of this junk, something that used to have importance, now just floating around in an endless void. Some of the wreckages pieces drifted away from it's source, hitting my shuttle and creating a soft clink that ran through my ship, and to my head. I pushed my throttle forward, going closer to the main ship. I guided myself carefully through these ruins, enjoying the silence. Not a voice to be heard, just the gentle humming from my engine.

My control panel beeped, It had picked up something of significance. I slowly eased off of my throttle and came to a complete stop, I unclipped myself from my seat and stood. My ship was clean, empty. It was large enough to house 5 people but, I was alone, I only had a very small amount of friends that I trusted, and only one that I trusted in my ship. I made my way to an air lock, putting on my suit carefully. I cracked my neck before I put my helmet on, then tapped the side a few times to make sure everything was working correctly. Everything was good as the air lock opened, exposing me to the harsh, cold void known as space.

I looked down, making sure my wrist communicator was functioning, making sure I had my blaster incase there was danger, I doubt there would be. I took a deep breath, inhaling crisp, almost stale air that had been reused. I didn't mind, it made me feel more alive in a way. I stepped out, then activated my pack, I blasted through the space junk to the source. A Mother ship. I had done my research before coming here, This ship was issued during a war that took place over thousands of years ago, when Novis IV was first founded. It was old, valuable.

I blasted off, guiding through junk, I made sure to push anything aside that was in my path. My wrist communicator beeped periodically, letting me know that I was getting closer to the large shuttle before me. I looked up slightly, this ship was massive. It was almost ripped in half, a few bridges and thick wires holding it together. A bomb must have destroyed it. Normal shuttle blasters or a blaster on a larger scale couldn't do that much damage. After a few minutes of navigating and pushing my way through, I made it. My hand trailed over the side of this beast, feeling the metal, it was intricate, almost engraved. I checked my communicator, this object wasn't far; only a few feet away. This wasn't like any of my other searches; where I had to spend several hours searching through ruins for the smallest gear or trinket.

I found that a little odd, a ship like this must have been looted of anything good ages ago, so why was my communicator picking up this supposedly rare object? I shrugged it off as someone just being lazy, or not having good sight. I went inside, going through a blast hole, making extra care to not have rouge pieces of scrap metal ripping my suit, and possibly killing me. Like I had predicted, this place was scrapped, other scavengers had taken anything valuable that they could get their hands on; they didn't care if they ripped the ship apart, it was destroyed anyway. It reminded me of those sped-up videos of whales decomposing on the ocean floor, videos from Earth were beautiful, even if they were vulgar.

My communicator beeped a little faster, telling me I was getting closer. I pondered what this object might look like, and why it was so rare. I searched through discarded metal walls, checking the floor first as I mostly relied on the beeps.

Beep..... Beep..... Beep.... Beep...Beep..Beep.. BEEP. BEEP. BEEP.

It was right under me, I picked it up and quickly silenced the beeping from my helmet so that I didn't have to listen to such an annoying thing. It was small, as big as my hand. It was some sort of disk, it seemed to have a few layers. I looked at it from all sides then put it on my belt, its better to look at it inside without this clunky suit on. I made my way back to my ship.

Little did I know, This small disk would change my life forever

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Little did I know, This small disk would change my life forever...

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