Chapter Two - Quirk

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My name is Xavier Cullen - Or better yet, Six. That's what everyone calls me. Why? Why not. A little bit about myself:

I don't like people, I don't like crowds, Everyone is too loud and ignorant. One thing I do like.. Flying. Being by myself.

I should mention my buddy Quirk, Well.. his actual name isn't Quirk... Its uh... Sorry... I don't normally call him by his real name, Call signs are short and catchy. His real name is Samuel Choi. He’s told me before that he's not very fond of his name, so he likes Quirk. I think his call sign matches his personality perfectly. He's a weird dude, he’s always excited and loud, in this case, I don't mind it. He's one of the only people who can make someone as stubborn as me, laugh. I’m going to see him right now to show him what I’ve found, maybe he knows what this thing is.

An hour later.

I landed down on Novis IV, I had to travel through several sectors of space to get here. That mothership was far out. Quirk would have complained about traveling so far, but I enjoyed it. The hum of the engine was what kept me alive, I was snippy without it. I unclicked myself from my seat and checked, making sure this strange disk was still with me. One small part of me thought it could be a bomb, but it was too small for that. Maybe a strange communicator, or holodisk. I had never seen anything like it. So I was really excited to examine it.

The rear of my ship opened up as I walked to it, stepping out into a loud, annoying world.

Novis IV was heavily populated mostly metal. It was very rare to find any vegetation on Novis. And if you did, it was worth huge hunks of cash. There are several sectors to Novis, Sector one for example, the richest sector. You have to have money to get in there, you have to have power and fame. The highest powers live there, it's posh… So I’ve heard. Quirk claims that one of his family members lives there, I doubt it though. Now, compare sector one to sector twenty, where I live. You don't need anything to move in here, it’s overpopulated. It's flowing with crime, mostly break-ins or fights, the occasional murder. My father lives here, he says he likes it but I have no idea why. Its a dump, the only two colors insight are blue and pink, so many drunks and garbage.

Quirk was waiting on landing pad B for me, he greeted me with a smile, “Sup Six.” He had dirty brown hair that went down to his eyes. He was covered in freckles, most of them in clumps around his nose and cheeks. His eyes were bright blue, they looked like oceans.

“Hello Quirk,” I smile a little back, we both grab each other's wrists, then shook it once, “How's your mum doing?”

“She’s doing better, she moved to sector 16, better than where she was… Obviously.” He crossed his arms.

“I’m glad,” I look behind me at my ship, “Lets go inside,” We both go into my ship, I make sure it's closed so no one else can enter.

“So what did you find?” He sits down in a little rest area in my ship, he leans back and puts his arm up on the back of the booth.

I showed him the small disk I was able to find, “Apparently, it's rare.. I have no idea what it is, I was hoping that maybe you could help me out with that.”

His eyes seemed to light up, like he knew exactly what it was, “Holy SHIT-” He quickly takes it and looks at it, holding it with both hands. He then glances up at me, “Where the hell did you find this?”

I raise a brow, “An abandoned Zorgon ship,” I sit down next to him, “What is it?” I ask curiously, I started to chew at my lips, a bad habit I had.

“It’s something that the Zorgons used to send information to each other, these are super old.” He set it down on the table in front of us, “And worth HUGE hunks of cash.. Hell.. If you cashed that in, you’d have enough to move you and your dad to Sector one,”

I raised both brows, a little speechless, “Sector one?.. Wow I mean.. I don't know Quirk,” I gently take it and look at it closer, “Do you know how these work?” I tap it a few times.

“You have to open it, I think with a tool,” He sniffed, watching me examine it closer. “Shit Six.. What if there are still messages on there, ones about the war?” He bounced in his seat. Quirk often acted like a child, he could never sit still.

“There might be, I have to get this thing open, what tool do I need.” I set it back down and look at him.

“I don't know man.. Maybe try a screw driver..” He shrugged, then checked his watch. “OH SHIT- I-.. Fuck.. Six I gotta go- I’m late..” He quickly got up and ran to the door, “See yuh man, Tell me when you get it OPEN!!” He ran out of my ship.

I chuckled, shaking my head at how forgetful he was. I sighed thinking about what would open this. I drifted off into a realm of thoughts, thinking about what might be in here.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2020 ⏰

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