Black Stilettos and Grub

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Now that Sam was aware that you were a hunter, reader, and a runner he couldn't take his eyes off of you. You guys continued to read and then Dean woke up and turned to see you and Sam cuddling and reading. Dean said, "alright love birds are you going to get up or not?"

You quickly get out of bed and rush to get ready. You think to yourself as you get ready, "I love Sam and I don't want to leave him." After you were done getting ready you told Sam and Dean how you had a case and had to get back to it. You grabbed your things and began to walk out the door. You felt an overwhelming feeling of sadness. You loved your little fling with Sam, but you knew how whenever anybody got close to you it never ended well.

You turn the knob of the creaky motel door as Sam yells, "WAIT!" You turn around and Sam says, " Hey. Why don't we try and work this case out together I mean three heads are better than one?" You smile and reply, " That sounds great." You tell Sam and Dean all about your findings and how you needed to head to the morgue to make sure that the bodies of the victims were indeed missing their hearts, so you could confirm that the monster that you guys were hunting was a werewolf .

As you spoke you could feel Sams eyes staring straight at you. You couldn't tell if it was lust or intrigue. Either way it was enjoyable. "Welp. Let's get our fed threads, grab some grub and hit the morgue" Dean says as he slaps the old rickety motel table. As Sam and Dean grab their suits you change into your formal FBI attire. You are wearing a black pencil skirt, black blazer, a white button up, and a classy pair of black stilettos. You put your hair in a decent updo instead of leaving it down. You apply a deep shade of red to your lips and you exit the motel bathroom.

As you enter the main area of the motel room Sams jaw drops. "You look stunning" he says as Dean rolls his eyes. "Alright chop chop dopey we got a morgue to get to." Dean says to Sam as he slaps him in the back.

You are all riding in the impala and dean stops at the diner so you guys can get some food. Sam asks you and Dean, "what do you guys want? I'll go grab it and be right back." You reply with, "Could you get the green machine smoothie for me please?" You see Dean make puking noises in the front seat and Sam smiles at you and nods. " You know Sammy. I'll have my usual." Dean says to Sam.

Sam leaves the car and you are sitting in the back seat reading when Dean says, "I can tell." "Tell what?" You reply chuckling. "He likes you y/n he likes you a lot." "Well that's reassuring." You reply with a smile. "Sammys a picky one you know. He hasn't had any luck with his past relationships and you seem really great." Dean says as he turns to face you sitting in the back seat of baby. "Aw thanks Dean. That means a lot." You reply back to Dean.

You see Sam holding two green machine smoothies and one greasy breakfast burrito. He gets in the passenger seat of baby and disperses the food. Sam passes you your cold smoothie and as he gives it to you he touches your hand. His hand is so rough and damaged, yet so smooth and delicate. Sam just seemed perfect and you knew that no matter what happened, you can't mess this one up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2020 ⏰

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