Chapter 10

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10 - more than enough

Authir's nato: I thank story is almost done nao but I have so much fun write and if I gat nice revowels I will wrate more!1 <333 PLEBS ARE DED TO ME AND AIRDETH IS MISUNDERSTAND HE IS NICE AND COOL LEVE IT ALONE AND DO YOU THANK NOCIS IS REALLY EVAL IF HE WAS TRICKED??!?

Arena gone and Airdeth stars crying. "Para, will u stey hare with me?" he askeths.

"Nah, I shake my head, "I dont like bowling."

He crai harder and his dermones unlesh again. We have to fight tham but thay want stop caming and Notsis is not halping us at all. I get anger at him and hit him in the face with wan of my dermobes but I am in batter cantroll than Airdenny is.

Noises start to cry and the dermone-slap wakes him from his slep. He was slumber on his feet! He gaves me the sword of his that is cavered in Gradio blood to help me fight the deramonbes so I don't have to use my dermobes. I use the sward and cut many dermaons down but they wont stop filling the blowing alley and fight us becaws Airedeth's tears summon them to the dahkness!

Cory rans towards him and I am afeared he is gang to kill my uncle by stabbing but befare I have tim to say anything Cory the Impotent is at his side and he grab my unkle Airdeth and KISS HIM. Airdeth stop craying and looks at confusion and raise hand to slap the Coral. "Dont kiss me unless you mean it!" he shalls shrill and sensitive and hurtedily.

"I do mean it," Cory declares flirtedily but sincere and lovelingly. "I would give up my Impotence for you!"

And they kissu and the dermones all diesappear!

"But Car," Airdeth say, blink way tears of happy and past sadness now over. "You dan have to give up your Impotance! I will live foraver so we can be together for always!" And he looks at me saddenly remember something import. "Oh Para!" he says sing-song. "You are too!"

"Wat?" I am confuse and daze by all I have learn and seen and tired from fighting bacuse it takes so match energy to contain my darmobes and control them.

"You will live forever! I wax born many yars ago and you have baan alive longer than twenty two yars!"

"Oh! Yay! " I forgot. But now I remamber and mamories start to came over me and I start to cry and wipe my eyes saxily.

"Are you diejoeboonaidesu?" Pornto asks, caming to my side and touch my shoulder softily and longingly.

"No. I will life forever but Gradio won't!!!!"

"Do not cry, princessu," Nax supportingly flirts to make me fell better, kissing my hand again and I almost smile.

Airdeth has found true lave but wat abut the rest of us???

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