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"You look happy today."

Namjoon comments, glance over to the boy who's stupidly smiling by himself. Taehyung stops smiling and squints his eyes at his older brother.

"You mean I normally look depressing?"


Taehyung rolls his eyes. But Namjoon isn't wrong, he was being much more cheerful than normal. The image of the yummy bartender kept rewinding in his head. He can't get over how cute and handsome the guy is.

Jung Hoseok. Such a beautiful name.

"So you're gonna tell me why?"

Namjoon looks concern at Taehyung who won't stop smiling like an idiot. Taehyung shrugs, still deciding whether he should tell him or not.

"It's nothing."

"Yeah right."

He gives up, his attention draws back to the work on his laptop. Taehyung hesitates while he scribbles all over his little sticky note. Would Namjoon hate him for liking a guy that he barely know? Well, one way to find out.

"I'm interested in this guy at the pub you introduced me a few days ago."

Taehyung speaks, his words echo throughout the room. Normally, there would be a few more people that work here, but now it's just Namjoon and Taehyung. Namjoon stops typing on his keyboard, his eyes still fixed on the screen. Silence fill the room, Taehyung is feeling awkward since he didn't get a response from Namjoon. It took a while, but then he finally spoke.

"That's why you never had a girlfriend?"

Namjoon looks at him, raising his eyebrows. Taehyung shakes his head, denying what he said.

"No, I didn't say that I've lost all interest for women. But when I saw this guy, everything about him was just so attractive to me."

He rubs his neck, trying to cover his flustered face while talking about Hoseok.

"So you're bisexual?"

"Yeah, I guess you could say that."

"I see."

Namjoon nods, he's trying to process all the information his little brother just told him. He wasn't actually shocked. He just didn't expect him to come out so unexpected. It isn't a bad thing, he just wonder why Taehyung didn't tell him sooner.

"Why didn't you tell me before?"

"I didn't know when to. I thought it was temporary when I started to develop feelings for Jungkook-"

"What?!  You had a thing for Director?!"

Namjoon asks in astonishment. What on Earth did his brother just say?

"Yeah, for a short period of time. I think it was when we started to work here."

Taehyung scratches his head, smiling sheepishly. Namjoon's eyes widened,  he couldn't believe what he just heard.

"Oh my god. And you hid it from me the whole time?? Taehyung we've worked here for three years! And now you're telling me you liked our boss three years ago?"

Namjoon almost shouts, he looks at Taehyung with confusion written all over his face.


"We are not leaving this god forsaken office until you tell me everything I need to know. "

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