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I knocked on the door to the apartment, hoping that someone was home—otherwise I'd have a fun few hours sitting on the doormat.

I heard a muffled yell of "coming!" and a couple of seconds later the door was pulled open.

It was Tim.

'Hey there, idiot,' I said.

'Alana!' Tim dove into my arms, squeezing me tight. God, I'd missed him.

His hair was a longer than he normally had it. I'd need to take him for a haircut soon, especially since his school was strict on the length of hair of boys. I could've sworn he'd grown an inch or two taller. Boys were always growing.

He looked up at me. 'I didn't think you'd ever be back!'

'Of course I would, Timmy,' He scowled at his nickname. 'I miss you too much!'

I stepped inside with my bags. Mabel's apartment was the same as it always had been; old green striped wallpaper with a faded yellow sofa in the living room, and a gaudy orange tiled kitchen. It was certainly an acquired taste, but it was our only home in the city, our sanctuary, where Tim and I always went when our mother would frequently lose it and decide to attempt to take it out on us. 

Mabel was probably at work. She generally worked till later because she was a perfectionist, but If I was right she'd be back in an hour or two.

 'I'm sorry I left,' I began. 'I shouldn't have. Things were just getting...'

'It's alright. Mabel said you just had a breakdown or something and needed to have some time to yourself,' Tim replied. 'My English teacher had a breakdown the other week. He threw a desk at someone.'

I did a double take. 'He what?'

'Yeah.' Tim snickered. 'He didn't even get fired.'

I couldn't even muster a surprised expression. That's public school for you.

'Thanks for the Xbox and those games by the way.' Tim looked back at me as he walked back to the lounge, where something was paused on the screen. 'I didn't know you were earning that much in your new job. I've got twenty hours on Star Wars battlefront two already.'

'Wait, what?' 

I had only sent him a card with some money for him and Mabel, definitely not a freaking Xbox. I feel like I'd remember if I bought and sent that.

'It's not even that much time. I bet you spend more time watching TV.' Tim was immediately defensive, unaware that that wasn't what I cared about.

'No, I didn't buy you an Xbox...' I looked at Tim and my eyes widened when I realised. 'Max...'

He must've sent it to Tim. He had a bag with him when he went into the post office, and would know the address from the card I sent. Sneaky bastard.

My heart skipped a beat before plummeting to my toes like an anchor. He had bought a freaking Xbox for my brother without even telling me, and I'd decided to repay his kindness by ditching him without giving any heads up. What a great person I am. He probably hated me now.

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