One Year later
It was Ellie's first birthday and Stella and Kelly was having an party for her. All 51 was there and staff from med and pd was there too. Ellie was an happy baby.
When the party was finish and Stella and Kelly was cleaning up there was an knock on the door. Stella answer it ' hi is Kelly in?' 'Yes he in (Stella shouted Kelly) who are you' 'oh I'm Bridget Kelly's ex wife' 'ex wife' Kelly came to the door and Bridget ask him if he can talk in private. Stella went to check on Ellie.
Kelly ask Bridget what she doing here 'urm so who was the women?' ' that was my wife and the mother of my kid' 'oh you married and got an kid?' 'Yes now what you doing here' 'it makes it awkward to what I'm going to tell you' 'tell me what' ' look I sorry I should of told you sooner but you the father of mine 4 year old son'
Just then Stella walked in and heard it.