Riker&Ella VS Lilac

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Rikers P.O.V
"Babygirl? Are you okay?" I asked stroking her hurt cheek slightly. Her eyes were barely open and the right side of her mouth was swollen. She didn't speak or nod or move. I watched her eyes close completely and the tears that had been welling in my eyes began to fall. I turned back to her Mom, only to be knocked to the ground. I started to stand up when I felt dizzy and weak. I tried toughing it out but, I just fell backward. My head landed in Ella's lap and my hand fell into hers. I felt her fingers wrap around my hand so I looked up. She was still out of it. Things started going black. The last thing I remember seeing was Ella.

6 hours later~~~

Ella's P.O.V.
I opened my eyes to see nothing but white wall. I felt something heavy in my lap. I looked down to see Riker's precious face. His right cheek had been beaten. It was swollen and bruised. I began to wonder how long I had been out.
"Riker." I whispered hopping he'd hear me. "Riker. Wake up." I said a little louder but, he never came to. I sighed and gave up, leaning my head against the wall. I heard noises outside the little hideout so I closed my eyes and laid completely still. I heard someone crawl in through the door. I opened one eye to see my Mom but, she noticed me.
"Darling! You're awake!" She coed.
"What did you do to him?" I asked stroking Riker perfect hair.
"The same thing I did to you. Only different in so many ways." She smiled. My eyes grew huge. "Oh don't worry. He'll wake up, eventually. In the mean time you can help or he will be dead." I nodded knowing that this could possible get me killed but, I wanted Riker safe. As long as he would be ok I was fine.
"Excellent!" She coed softly but devilish. "Here. Tie him up. It'll save me some time." She said handing me a rope. I sighed and slowly lifted him off his back, pulling his hand behind him. I tied them gently while my Mom roughly tied his ankles together. She drug him to the doorway. "Help me get him out of here." She ordered sternly. I helped lift him into the opening.
"You stay right here. I'm coming back for you." She snarled and I nodded. I wasn't arguing. A few moments later her head came popping back in the hideout.
"Come on. Get out." She said. I slowly made my way back thru the doorway and back into my closet. There I saw Riker. He was leaning against the wall, he could barely sit up. My Mom yanked me over toward her and I felt a sharp pain run thru my back before I hit the ground. She tied my wrists an ankles up and then placed me in the center of the room. I now saw what she was using. It was a whip but I didn't get a good look at it before it hit my face hard. I fell on my back.
"Sit up!" She yelled, striking my ankles. I screamed as I felt the pain shoot thru my body. I couldn't move. She finally got frustrated and walked out of the closet, slamming the door. I saw Rikers eyes began to open. The door must have woken him.
"Riker?" I whispered. His eyes darted around the room, before landing on me.
"Baby! What happened?" He panicked, trying to move but he couldn't.
"Shh." I whispered. "My Mom will be back any second."
"What did she do?" He asked again.
"You'll find out soon enough." I whispered just before the door flew open. My Mom came in carrying two chairs from my dining room table.
"Oh good! You're both up! How lovely!" She grinned. She walked over next to me placing the chairs back to back. She grabbed me by the hair on my head and yanked me up out if the floor and sat me down in one of the chairs. I heard Riker scream and I knew she had hit him. I felt my chair move and then I felt Riker's head hit the back of mine. My Mom paced back and forth in my closet, glancing at us every once in a while. She had an evil smirk on her face when she turned to me.
"So, I'm a bad parent? I've always been a bad parent? Interesting!" She laughed before hitting me again. "I'll show you a bad parent." She laughed before moving to Riker hitting him hard. I felt him jerk and then I heard the whip pop him again and again and again. Every time I heard the whip hit him my heart stopped for a moment.
"Mom stop!" I yelled tired of listening to this.
"Fine. I'll stop!" She sighed before the whip hit me. I yelped and squirmed a little. She began to beat me senseless and before I knew it I was out.

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