Hospital days 1

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"Wake up." I heard Riker's sweet morning voice whisper in my ear. I opened my eyes to see the nurses and doctors standing in front of us, with sort of angry faces.
"Ms. Grace and Mr. Lynch can you explain to me how the two of you are in totally different places than you were when I left last night?"
"Well a nurse and Rocky moved my bed over." I said.
"Yes. I can see that but you two should be more in the middle of the bed instead of almost falling off the side." The doctor stated.
"I'm sorry." Riker said. " I just wanted to be able to hold her." He said looking at the doctor.
"It's fine we just need the two of you back the way we had you." The doctor said before Riker shifted himself back to the center of his bed. I moved over some before my bed was roughly pushed back to its original spot.
"Hey! Don't hurt her!" Riker said looking at the doctor.
"Oh she's fine son! Man up!" He said before examining Riker's cuts.
Riker looked over at me and mouthed "Are you okay?" Before the doctor started telling him do random things. I nodded even though he wasn't paying attention anymore. He was too busy with the doctor. I understood.
"Miss Ella Grace?" A woman with short grey hair and a sweet smile asked entering the room. She looked at me and I nodded. Her smile grew bigger.
"Hi sweetie. My name is Doctor Maci. You can call me Maci, if you'd like. While Doctor Scandal checks Riker I'm going to be checking you." She said calmly. I was glad one doctor cared about me."Does anything hurt or feel uncomfortable?" She asked.
"Well, my back stings a little but that's all." I said before looking over at Riker before I heard Maci speak.
"Don't worry dear. He is in a worse condition than you but you'll both be okay. All he's concerned about is making sure you're okay." She paused for a moment and looked over at my beautiful blonde boyfriend. "He got quite a beating." She finally said. "I can tell he loves you. He spent thirty minutes or so starring at you and asking questions about when you'd be better and when you'd wake up. We soon had to give him pain medication and he passed right out." Maci explained.
"He did?" I asked looking at her.
"Yep! Do you not believe that he loves you?" She asked.
"Well, we basically just started dating just a few days ago but, we've been friends for about two years now. Everything happened so fast, when we got together. I didn't know any one could love me that much." I said as memories of what my Mom said flooded back.
"You're a very smart, beautiful young lady, I don't see why he wouldn't love you." She said gently.
"Thank you." I smiled.
"You're welcome dear. Now I need you to do a few things for me." She said standing up off my bed. "Can you sit up?" She asked. I slowly made my way up, hissing a few times. She turned to Riker.
"May I ask him a quick question?" Maci asked Dr. Scandal.
"Sure." He replied.
"Have you seen her in a bathing suit? Two piece? One piece? Bikini?" She asked.
"Yes, she swims at my house all the time." He replied.
"Miss Grace, have you seen him in underwear?" Doctor scandal asked. I nodded.
"Ok. We just have to check cuts and we have to see if you should be moving properly." Maci said calmly. "Ella dear can you do me a favor and stand up, carefully." I stood up slowly and let the blanket fall on the bed.
"Riker, stand!" Doctor Scandal ordered. Riker stood up and revealed his blue boxers. He made a face at me making me giggle. His chest was nothing but scars and bruises. His arms and legs didn't look much better. Some of the cuts where a deep shade of purple and others had slight scabs. The deep gashes across his chest made me cringe at the sight. The doctor started poking and jabbing around on his back making him almost topple over. Why are they doing this to him?
After Maci carefully checked everything she gave me one of Riker's t-shirt that Rocky had brought. I pulled it on over my head. I could smell his sweet cologne.
I watched the doctors basically torture Riker. "Checking" over his cuts and bruises.
"Dear, can you try just sitting up in your bed for awhile? I'll be back in like thirty minutes." She smiled. I nodded with pain in my eyes as I watched Riker's faces as he was poked and jabbed. He was turned around and I gasped at the sight of his back. Deep cuts lined his entire back, from his neck to the hem of his boxers. A tear rolled down my tired face. I could feel myself shaking. Riker turned back around to face me and his expression dropped. Worry stung his eyes.
"You can sit." The doctor said in a monotone voice. Riker sat; obeying the doctors every word like a dog. "I'll be back later. Don't move too much." Dr. Scandal order leaving.
"Are you okay?" I asked looking at him.
"I'm fine." He said. "How bad does my back look?" He asked.
"How bad does it feel?" I asked not wanting to answer his question.
"It feels like hell." He replied.
"That's about how it looks." I sighed. He nodded.
"I'll be okay." He whispered sweetly.
"I know I'm just worried." I said not looking at him. He just sat there staring at me before he spoke again.
"I love you." He whispered.
"I love you too." I whispered back. I had then noticed that Stormie had entered the room.
"Hi Mom." Riker smiled. She just smiled and walked over to his bed. Her eyes grazed over the cuts as she sat next to him. She looked at me and opened her mouth to speak when Maci came walking through the door.
"Ella, You're doing fine! We estimated maybe another week before you can go home." She smiled. I smiled a little. I didn't care if I was okay, I only cared about Riker getting better. Stormie looked at Maci with a tired face.
"How about Riker? When is he gonna be okay?" She asked.
"His doctor will be in, in a minute to report on his health." Maci said, holding her clipboard close to her chest. "I can tell you, that he'll have scars for the rest of his life." She said sadly. my head dropped, I felt like this was my fault somehow. Maci left the room and Dr. Scandal entered.
"You're doing fine Mr. Lynch." He said quietly. I smiled knowing he'd be okay and then I looked at him. The gashes tearing me apart inside. A tear rolled down my face and Riker unfortunately noticed. I saw his face drop as pain filled his brown eyes.
"I want to work on some walking exercises with Riker because with legs are so week at the moment." Riker nodded, when Scandal spoke. "Ella, will you help?" Scandal asked; directing his attention toward me. I nodded, not looking at him. I couldn't take my eyes off Riker.
"Great! We'll start tomorrow!" Scandal smiled before exiting the room. I sighed and finally looked at Stormie. She had tears in eyes when she stood up. I watched her kiss Rikers forehead and head toward the door.
"This all you fault." She cried glancing at me before she disappeared out the door. Tears streamed down my face hot and heavy because I knew she was right.

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