Chapter 1

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The Superior

Chapter 1

*explosion sound* (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "SUPERIOR WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "GRAB YOUR WEAPON AND GET READY TO FIGHT!" (Mectro/John Belue) "LAXI HERE'S YOUR WEAPON!" *Scene continues, voice-over starts (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Well you might be wondering how we got here. I may have stolen something very valuable and very powerful. Yeah, I stole the Power Cube. Now I got the swat team after us." *The scene's sound comes back into focus* (Laxi Keed) "EVERYONE COME ON, THROUGH THE BACK ENTRANCE!" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "COME ON, HURRY UP!" (Mectro/John Belue) "Where to now?" (Dr. Oeesds) "I know, follow me. I've got an idea of where to go." *start running to Dr.Oseesds laboratory and title screen starts to play*

*all arrive at lab* (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "Now what do we do?" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "We hide, they will be coming here." *both bust open door* (Mich) "SWAT COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS ON YOUR HEAD!" *Both searching around* (Laxi Keed) *whispers "Quietly, let's go." (Mectro/John Belue) "threw the window they got the door blocked" (Carl) "THERE, THE WINDOW" *both swats start firing at them* (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "To my house. They won't think to go there." (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Okay. When we get close enough we can slow down but till then we run"

*arrive at Henry Muller's house* (Laxi Keed) "Now what are we going to do? We're fugitives now." (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Well, we can't do much" (Mectro/John Belue) "Hey chip, got any food? I'm hungry." (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "uh, yeah I'm sure I do." (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "We might be here for a while, so get comfortable." (Laxi Keed) "what we can do is scout out for them, and I mean the swat team" (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "John What do you want" (Mectro/John Belue) "I don't care."

*at Infector's base* (Infector) "So they got the power cube. That makes my plan a lot more complicated. Now I have to take it from them, I will do whatever it takes to get my plans finished." (Mich) *radio sounds* "we found where they are hiding." *radio sound ends* (Carl) *radio sounds* "where?" *radio sound ends* (Mich) *radio sounds* "the Oseesds laboratory" *radio sound ends*(Carl) *radio sounds* "Copy that." *radio sound ends* (Infector) "I've got you now."

(Tinker/Chip Grimb) "Here John, I made you a sandwich" (Mectro/John Belue) "Thanks" *knock at the door* (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Everyone get down now!" (Mich) "Hello? Is anyone there?" (Carl) "Mich I don't think anyone is here" (Mich) Yeah, let's go." (Mectro/John Belue) "Why are they after us?" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Ok fine, I stole the power cube." (Laxi Keed) "WHY?!" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Because if I didn't, the Infector would have it now." (Lai Keed) WHO CARES IF HE WOULD HAVE IT." (Mectro/John Belue) "Because you stole the power cube we are all fugitives." (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "oh, I'm sorry. I'm trying to save the world from extinction." (Laxi Keed) " YOU HAD TO try and prevent that from happening, but you screwed up and we are all taking the blame." (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "No you guys aren't, I am. I'm taking the blame, they don't know about you guys."

(Infector) "You guys argue too much, I am only going to ask this once or I tell them where you are. OK?" (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "What do you want" (Infector) " the Power Cube." (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "I'm sorry, we don't have the power cube. Heck half of us don't know what the power cube is." (Infector) "I SAW YOU BREAK-IN AND STEAL IT! So don't play dumb. Now, where is it" (Tinker/ Chip Grimb) *whisper* "What do we do? do we fight?" (Laxi Keed) "AHHHHHHHHH!" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "I guess we're fighting our way out of this one"

(Infector) "Conase deploy the shield" (Conase) "On it." (Infector) "the shield is impenetrable" (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "Stand down guys" (Infector) "I won't ask again, where is the cube" (Laxi Keed) "Gaven, give him the cube" (Mectro/John Belue) "Yeah, It's either the cube or we're in jail" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Fine, *Sigh's* here's the cube." (Infector) "Finally I've got it in my hands. *Radio sounds* They're at the white house Mich and Carl were at" (Laxi Keed) "Crap. We need to leave now" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "let's go" (Mich) "Not this time. You're going to jail for the robbery of the power cube."

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