Chapter 3: Reborn

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The Superior

Chapter 3


*At mall of America* (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Wooooooooooooaaaaah. Hahaha. That was awesome" (Tinker/Chip Grimb) *throws up* "Yeah *Gags* that was pretty fun. But I think I need to get home" (Laxi Keed) "Yeah, you don't look so good" *At Henry's house* (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "I'm going to try and get some sleep. So if you want to stay please be quiet" (Laxi Keed) "I think we'll leave you be" (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "ok see ya *Drifts off to sleep*" (Mectro/John Beleu) "Well, now that he's asleep what do?" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Well, we can pl- *Gets shot* AAAAAWW" (Infector) "yeah that right I'm back bitch" *Few more shot* (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Get me to a hospital NOW aaaawww" (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "WOAH, what the hell" (Laxi Keed) "HERE apply pressure" (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "Oka- OH MY GOD. Are you okay" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Chip I won't make it. For real this time" (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "No hold on. Don't yet *Calls kids cell*" *Superior dies* (Infector) "Suit up the invisibility cloak" (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" (Mectro/John Beleu) "WHERE DID HE GO" (Laxi Keed) "Chip... Chip... is it for real this time" (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "Yeah" (Spence Parrin) "Display a hollow gram of Superior and take superior to the base"

*at infectors base* (Infector) "ok Superior I hope you enjoy your rotting here" *In Superior's Afterlife* (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Where am I" (Infector) *dead and good Infector* "You're in hell like the rest of us" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "I don't understand" (Infector) *dead and good Infector*"Ha, there is a lot of thing you don't understand" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Why I'm I here" (Infector) *dead and good Infector* "Well you died stupid" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "I can't stay here" (Infector) *dead and good Infector* "I know" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) " Are you going to just agree to everything I say or can you help me get out of here" (Infector) *dead and good Infector* "Well Everyone that comes here know this but you" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "what is it. Spil the beans sir good" (Infector) *dead and good Infector* "Woah chill speedy. Ok, here... you have a special set of powers" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "what?! No, I can't. I'm human. Like the rest of my friends. I'm human" (Infector) *dead and good Infector* "that's the thing your not a human" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "If I have powers how do I use my so call powers" (Infector) *dead and good Infector* "they'll come to you" *Infector strikes Superior* (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "What the hell"

*At henry's house* (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "ok let's get him to the hospital" *Everyone tries to lift Superior but arms go threw and they fall back* (Mectro/John Beleu) "what the heck" *Hollow gram fades* (Laxi Keed) "Oh no" (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "what? What happened" (Laxi Keed) "Infector has his body" (Mectro/John Beleu) "Chip you know what this means right" (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "Yeah he can revive him and make him on his team" (Laxi Keed) "Exactly" (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "so what's the plan" (Dr. Oeesds) "I got a plan" *In the basement starting the plan* (Dr. Oeesds) "Ok so john you will Cause a distraction. Like an explosion or something" (Mectro/John Beleu) "Got it" (Dr. Oeesds) "Laxi you will sneak in and shut off the power" (Laxi Keed) "OK" (Dr. Oeesds) "Chip you will get Gaven's body and bring it back to me" (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "Will do" (Dr. Oeesds) "When you are done with you part you come back here. Then when you get back I will wake Gaven up. *Everyone but Noah says ok* ok then let's go"

*At infectors base* (Mectro/John Beleu) "ok here we go. BON VOYAGE" (Infector) "What the hell" *Infector walks out to find out what happened* (Laxi Keed) *Over radio* "I'm going in *Goes in and shuts off power* ok the powers off" (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "Oeesds get me an x-ray" (Dr. Oeesds) "go left then the cellar door to your right. He should be in there" (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "ok, got it" *Opens door* (Infector) "Oh you think I'm going to let you just take the body. No no no" *In Superior's afterlife* (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Ohh you want to go *Infector strikes Superior again* oh, you're going down *Reaches for sword* What the. Where's my sword" (Infector) *dead and good Infector* "Hey you lookin' for this?" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Who *Infector strikes Superior 3 more times. On the fifth time Superior, time Superior catches the foot* you are very annoying" *Infector Strikes Superior again* (Infector) *dead and good Infector* "I know" *In Infectors base* (Infector) "Don't make me kill you too" (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "Ok, chill out and consider me gone *Gets out of Infector Base* Umm, John do you have a visual on Infector" (Mectro/John Beleu) "Yeah why?" (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "Cause he's not outside he's in his base" (Dr. Oeesds) "Damn. Abort the mission"

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