Chapter 5: Fifth gen

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The Superior

Chapter 5

Fifth Gen

*Voice-over starts* (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "It's been a whole year since I've seen them. I mean Laxi, Oseesds, and John. I think the world has been helped enough. *Voice-over ends* I think it's time we go of the grid" (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "We don't get much respect these days" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "where are we gonna go" (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "we could meet up with the others" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "got their numbers right?" (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "umm yeah, I think so" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "call them then we will leave to meet them" *In Minnesota, at Chelsea heights* (Conase) "greetings friends, I have been watching you" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "that's creepy" (Laxi Kead) "hey" (Dr. Oeesds) "It's been a while" (Mectro/John Belue) "how long has it been" (Laxi Kead) "about a year" (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "I see you succeeded on giving Conase a body" (Dr. Oeesds) "Yeah" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "what next you gonna bake a bomb more powerful than the nuke (Laxi Kead) "Pretty much" (Mectro/John Belue) "what do you mean pretty much, aren't you supposed to be sure?" (Dr. Oeesds) "Ok let's get back to getting caught up" (Tinker/Chip Grimb) " Do you still have Infector locked up?" (Mectro/John Belue) " I think so, not a hundred percent sure." (Laxi Kead) " Yeah, we don't check on him often. To be honest he might be dead"

*At Superiors Base* (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Wow, has it been a long time since I've been here..." (Conase) "From what I can see, He is not in his cage" (Laxi Kead) "Conase, How long has he been gone for?" (Conase) "determining from the last footprints, around 4 months and 2 weeks" (Mectro/John Belue) "WHAT, HE HAS BEEN GONE FOR 4 MONTHS AND 2 WEEKS" (Conase) "I am afraid so John" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) " Well I guess we're back on the hunt like John Wick, like in chapter 2." (Tinker/Chip Grimb) *to self* " Damn that was a good movie" (Dr. Oeesds) " But weren't we going to catch up after a year of not seeing each other?" (Laxi Kead) " No time we need to go now, there is a dangerous mastermind out there. Until he is caught, we won't be caught up with each other." (Superior/Gaven Gajer) " I agree, but he's gotten a 4 month and 2 week head start to his next plan" *Epic music plays and the title appears*

*At Infector's base* (Infector) " 4 months I've planned this. Hopefully this plan will end the Superior *Dramatic Pause* for good" *At Superior's base* (Laxi Kead) "How in the hell are we going to find him. He could be anywhere" (Mectro/John Belue) "exactly, he could be in Russia for all we know" (Dr. Oeesds) "I have no idea how to find him" (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "Well we have to do it somehow" (Dr. Oeesds) "It would be alot easier if we had the cube" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "What about the cube inside of me" (Dr. Oeesds) "That might just work. But we would need to take a radiation x ray first" *15 minutes later* (Mectro/John Belue) "Hey Dr. Oeesds come take a look at this" (Dr. Oeesds) "Whats up?" (Mectro/John Belue) "look" (Dr. Oeesds) "Holy crap" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "What, what's going on" (Dr. Oeesds) "So from what I am seeing you have two cubes in you" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Dang" (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "So that means that you guys can take the one of the cubes out" (Conase) "Theoretically, yes" (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "So It's possible" (Conase) "Yes" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Okay, let's do this"

(Mich) "well, something I haven't seen ever has happened" (Carl) "What" (Mich) "World peace. Superior did it, he brought world peace" (Carl) "Yeah, that's an incredible thing he did" *At Superior's base* (Dr. Oeesds) "Okay so this might hurt just a little" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Yeah, I think I can Handle it. Just give me a countdown" (Dr. Oeesds) "Okay. Extracting in we go" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Woooooaaaah. Yeah this hurts... a little" (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "10 more seconds" (Mectro/John Belue) *to himself* "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1" (Dr. Oeesds) "done" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Ahh thank god" (Conase) "Your vitals are low, you should get some rest" (Dr. Oeesds) "okay now we need go to my laboratory" (Laxi Kead) "What for" (Dr. Oeesds) "To make the liquid cube a solid cube" (Laxi Kead) "Ohh, okay"

*At Dr. Oeesds laboratory* (Dr. Oeesds) "Hey john can you grab that cube thing" (Mectro/John Belue) "Yeah" (Dr. Oeesds) "now we insert the liquid cube then wait about 10 minutes for the cube to I guess harden" (Conase) "In the meantime a good Idea would to be to start setting up the machine to track Infector" (Laxi Kead) "Alright, let's do this" (Mectro/John Belue) "Here bring this to the thing" (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "HEY, we still need to name the machine" (Laxi Kead) "Something simple 'cause I won't remember something long" (Dr. Oeesds) "How about TELP-19" (Mectro/John Belue) "Ha" (Dr. Oeesds) "What, What's wrong with the name" (Mectro/John Belue) "Nothing, But it sounds like COVID-19" (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "Damn, the Coronavirus that was such a stupid thing" (Dr. Oeesds) "Anyways let's finish TELP-19" (Conase) "The cubes Hardening stage is done" (Laxi Kead) "Alright let's do this"

*At Infectors Base* (Infector) "It's time for the Superior to die. *Long pause* Launch the missile" *At Superior's base* (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "Uhh, guys I have a missile coming in at our base" (Laxi Kead) "Damn, Someone call Gaven" (Mectro/John Belue) "Already on it" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) *Answers call* "Hello" (Mectro/John Belue) "You need to get out of there NOW" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Why" (Mectro/John Belue) "Because you have a missile coming at you" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Ohh okay. Where you guys at" (Mectro/John Belue) "Dr. Oeesds Laboratory" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "okay I'm on my way" *Ends call* (Mectro/John Belue) "He's on his way here now"

(Superior/Gaven Gajer) "I should probably get some of the essentials, like... god I don't know." *Superior leave base and the base blows up* (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Holy crap! That was way too close" *At Dr. Oeesds Laboratory* (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "Thank God you're okay" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Yeah, whats going on here" (Laxi Kead) "We are trying to track Infector" (Dr. Oeesds) "We're about 5 minutes from getting his location"

(Infector) "Send a drone to make sure that the Superior is dead" (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "We should go back to the base to see what we can recover" (Laxi Kead) "Yeah" (Infector) "Zoom there. What, how... how did he survive" (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "does anyone here a buzzing sound" (Conase) "That buzzing sound is a drone" (Mectro/John Belue) "Crap" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Conase don't just stand there destroy it" (Infector) "Bring the drone back" (Conase) "Missile fired" (Infector) "NO, GOD DAMN IT. I guess I have to do it myself"

(Tinker/Chip Grimb) "do you think TELP-19 is finished finding Infector" (Dr. Oeesds) "probably. Conase can you access the TELP-19" (Conase) "Infector's location is Manhattan, New york" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Well, pack up we're going to New York"

(Conase) "TELP-19 says Infector is in the park near the Bow Bridge" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Ok let's go get him" (Tinker/Chip Grimb) "There I see him" (Infector) "So you found me. Congratulations, but I am afraid you're too late" (Laxi Kead) "no we're not" (Infector) "Yes you are. You might be wondering how, that's the thing I'm not here. I'm about to finish my plans, and with you here and not in a bunker you will all die" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Conase can you get a location on where the holographic call is coming from" (Conase) "Working on it" (Infector) "Why don't you give up, I already won once" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "Yeah but we reversed it" (Infector) "But not this time" *Infector's hologram fades away* (Mectro/John Belue) "Okay everyone back to the car" (Endeboy20) "Conase gotta location yet" (Conase) "no still hacking in" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "tell me when you get the location"

*on top of the world trade center* (Infector) "Now this time everyone on the planet will die. Even the Superior" (Conase) "I got a location. He's on the top of the world trade center" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "let's go" *on top of the world trade center* (Infector) "And start" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "you know no matter how many time you try we will always win" (Infector) "yeah but like I said earlier not this ti-" (Steel) "Superior, we are in need of you and your team's assistance" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "not now ironman" (Steel) "Superior, now is not the time to fight Infector. There is a greater threat to the planet" (Infector) *To himself* "How is there something more powerful than me? *Out loud* Superior I know this may be weird but please allow my to join you and help you kill this thing" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "How do I know if your not going to back stab me" (Infector) "You should Know me, after all the years you should know I like to be the most powerful person on the planet" (Superior/Gaven Gajer) "True... you know I really don't want to do this, but you can join us. But if you even try to kill me I will lock you in a very "special cell." got it" (Infector) "yeah" (Steel) "time to go" *Show ends. On screen "To be continued"*

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