6 | misunderstandings | gavin x rk900

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art above is by the L E G E N D A R Y same-side on tumblr. their reed900 art- oh my fucking god, it literally makes me want to cry it's so beautiful. they also do some reed1700 art, if you ship them. i fuckin love their art & defo reccomend following them!! <33

anyway - here's my first gavin x nines oneshot! reed900 & simarkus are my two favourite ships by far, and although i'm better at writing simarkus i thought i'd at least try with my two other special bois.

just a quick heads up, the pov shifts around a lil - nothing too big & it's pretty subtle, it's just because i wrote the start at a a different time to the rest of the fic.

with that out the way, i hope you enjoy! <333

genre: f l u f f , with a tiny lil sprinkle of angst
word count: 1700

"Aw shit," Gavin mutters, "I forgot to order a shop in."

It's bad e-fucking-nough that he's been stuck inside this musty, humid car on a stakeout for the past four fucking hours.

It's even worse that it's with his unmoving, unfeeling plastic prick of a partner (although fine, maybe he's kinda starting to sorta like him - not that they're friends or anything, it's just that Nines is really interesting and actually kinda funny in a dry way when you get to know him and man he's one hot piece of ass- okay maybe Gavin likes him just a little).

But to put the cherry on top of the flaming shitcake, he's forgot to order his fucking weekly shop. Now when he gets back home, he'll be starving as well as exhausted.

Great. Just great. This continues to be a spectacular fucking day.

Nines looks at him strangely. "What?"

"I said I forgot to order my weekly shop," he grumbles. "I'm not gonna have anything to eat when I get back. And I'm on a fitness spree right now which I do not want to ruin by eating a Big Mac or some shit."

Of course, Nines already knows about his fitness spree. He came along to one of Gavin's tri-weekly yoga lessons the other day. Even took part for the second half, despite literally being an android and not needing to exercise - said some weird shit about 'enjoying the sensation' of performing all the moves?

(Okay, maybe Nines is his friend. If anybody else from work finds out, they'll humiliate him into an early retirement. Jesus Christ. Friends with an android. Never thought he'd see the day, let alone admit it to himself. Gavin shudders.)

"I could easily order in a shop for you, using your card," Nines offers. Pulls one of his cute grimace-for-a-smiles the kind, beautiful bastard he is.

(Fucking fine then, maybe Gavin has a tiny, tiny little crush on the android. It's not like he's going to act on it though. Again, the whole early-retirement thing. And also he's a massive pussy.)

"Hey, stop babying me," he snorts, elbowing Nines in the side. "I'm big and ugly enough to take care of myself."

The android's LED flickers yellow. "I don't understand."

Is the fucker malfuctioning or something? "The fuck do you mean?"

Nines turns to look at him. "You believe yourself to be... ugly?"

Gavin just snorts again, though it seems more forced than before. "Christ, you don't have to sound so upset. I'm not exactly the nicest fuckin' thing to look at, am I?" He shifts uncomfortably.

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