18 - Átjánda

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I carefully placed the paper flower next to the other gifts Valente had left for me before. Even as an Alpha, big and strong, this part of him showed that he can handle tasks of delicacy just as effectively.

As I looked at the flower, I couldn't help but wonder if I was forgiven. I reached out to him.


No response.

I sighed to myself and got ready for another day of school. Gramma and I shared breakfast and I was soon walking towards first class.

I couldn't see Valente amongst his usual group of friends, although I recognized Kristjan from the party. He looked at me, gave me a slight nod of acknowledgement, before turning to face his company again.

Perhaps Valente had left for the Palace already. But if that is so, who did he take with him?

Kristjan seemed to be Valente's most trusted friend, yet he was here and Valente was not. It bothered me to know that Valente traveled like this on his own.

As I made my way to first class, it was difficult to keep everyone's attention away from me, more so than usual. Glo and I shared this class, so I decided to ask her what was up with all the stares.

"Did something happen yesterday?" I asked her quietly as we took our seats.

"Why didn't you come?" Glo asked me.

"I wasn't feeling too great. Felt like taking a break," I told her.

"It was a Monday, Rayne," she said, rolling her eyes. "Almost everyone looks forward to training days. And Valente cancelled yesterday's training."

"He can do that?" I asked her.

"Of course. He can do whatever he wants," she said.

"Why did he cancel training?" I asked her, genuinely curious.

"Why do you think?" she said, raising an eyebrow.

Absolutely nothing came to mind.

"I'll give you a hint. The angry stares you're getting today? Bingo," she said, taking out her notebook and pen.

"He canceled training because of me?" I asked Ima.

"It looks like it," she replied.

"Ima can you reach out to him?" I asked her.

"If you can't, what makes you think I can?" she said.

"I don't know? Is his wolf available?" I asked her, hoping to hear from him.

"I can't reach either of them Rayne," she said.

I couldn't help but feel disappointed. A part of me was at peace, knowing that he wasn't as angry with me now, as he was in the forest. But another part of me still wanted to talk to him to make sure.

"You could try calling him? Like normal people?" Imadis suggested.

"You know I don't have his number Ima," I told her, sighing.

"He'll show up soon."


The classes went as usual and I caught up with my friends for lunch.

"We have training today since yesterday's was cancelled," said Asael, picking up his sandwich.

"Yeah, I heard," said Mordekai, who had taken a seat next to mine. Good thing Valente wasn't here.

"I think I'll just skip training today, don't feel like it at all," Irmelin said.

Their banter didn't interest me, and I found myself eyeing the table, the chair on which Valente usually sat. It was taken by one of his friends. I never realized he always sat on that chair, giving him a clear view of our table.

When I looked up probably the fifth time, I saw Kristjan staring back at me.

"Can we talk?" his voice echoed into my mind.

I looked at my untouched plate and my stomach grumbled.

I then looked up to see his face put on an amused smile.

"Finish your meal. Then meet me at the gym," Kristjan said. I watched him get up and leave the cafeteria.


It took some excuse-giving to leave the table and make my way to the gym since I'm not usually the one to get up first for class.

There were still about fifteen minutes till next class, so I hoped whatever Kristjan had to say was short and sweet.

I found him in the gym shooting hoops in the basketball court by himself, stopping to a dribble as he saw me enter.

"What's up?" I asked him.

"You tell me?" he asked back.

I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

He sighed and threw the basketball in the ball bin. "Valente wasn't supposed to travel till next week. He suddenly left last night and seemed pretty upset too. He wouldn't tell me anything and that's odd for him," Kristjan said.

What was I supposed to tell him?

"Why are you asking me?" I asked him.

He shook his head, smiling.

"I know he fancies you Rayne. I know he wants to make you his Luna. He'll tell you more now than he'll ever tell me," he said.

"I don't know why he left," I told him honestly.

"I know he stopped by your house last night before he left. He must have said something?" Kristjan asked me.

The origami flower.

"No, I was asleep. He just left something for me," I told him.

"What was it?" he asked.

It was a gift. It was intimate. I didn't want to tell him. So I gave no answer as it was none of his concern.

"Rayne?" he asked again.

"You can ask him when he gets back," I told him.

He seemed unhappy with my answer, but didn't push me any further.

"His Aunt Sylvia came to my house yesterday evening," he said.

The mention of Sylvia caused my anxiety to return yet again.

"I was with Valente before he left, so I know he doesn't know what she is planning yet," he continued.

"What is she planning?" I asked him.

He sighed as he looked away from me.

"She wants Valente to choose my sister, Eidis, as his Luna."

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