Chapter 33

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Shiro wouldn't leave the house at all since her birth parents arrived and she'd only leave if you or Kyoya were holding her the whole time

But Kyoya has been making shiros room even better he said he wants the room to be perfect for a little 3 year old girl

"Kyoya you do know we don't actually know shiros birth day right." You say walking into the room and Kyoya looks at you

"Yeah your correct we don't know it I'll ask those people who are her birth parents." Kyoya says going back to work

"Oh right also we need to change my parents mind about me marrying Akito that is still going on since you've forgotten." You say and Kyoya looked over super shocked and ended up falling off a ladder

"Ok ouch and WHAT!!" He says and you chuckle as you help him up

"You ok Kyoya?" You ask and he nods

"Yeah I'm fine wasn't that bad of a fall but you said your parents haven't dropped your arranged marriage?"

"No they haven't now there saying they don't want me with a divorced man. Even if my mom and birth dad are divorced." You say and Kyoya sighs annoyed

"Will I ever be able to impress your parents?"

"Nope I think they will find a little tiny thing to say oh see he's not good for you marry Akito who's abusive."

"Tell your parents that."

"I tried they said no he's not your just making up lies to get out of the arranged marriage which I do so badly." You say and Kyoya pulls you into a tight hug

"I'll win your parents over I promise then we can get married." Kyoya says and then he pulls you into a kiss and you kiss him back as you smiled happily

*I'll make everything perfect because y/n, shiro and the baby are the things I never wanna lose ever they are everything to me and I'll do everything to keep them safe*

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