"Who are you?" I asked, still left in the shock and scared state that came over me when gunshots were heard.
I look up to his face which was hidden behind a dark shadow and bit my lips as silence fell between us.
"Who I am is none of your business,"...
"Are you blushing?" I asked him with a raised brow and he immediately shook his head.
He's definitely lying.
"You're lying," I said and burst out laughing when he didn't reply. I was laughing more at how red his face and as revenge, cause I knew how embarrassing it is to be caught with a face as red as tomato.
So, I've decided to tease him in return, hoping he can feel embarrassed and realized how I felt.
Hehe, I'm evil, I know.
"I'm not lying. Can you leave me alone?" He suddenly spoke, glaring at me but that did stop me from laughing and teasing him and oh boy, am I gonna make him feel really embarrass.
"Yes you are, it's so obvious! I mean look at your face! It's as red as red will ever be" I said, pointing to his face and started laughing again which I think I shouldn't have done because right after that, he turned around glaring deadly at me and yep, I thought I'd die.
I suddenly regret doing this!
My laughter immediately went away and I gulped as he got on the bed and slowly moved towards me and when I thought I'd surely die...I was wrong.
Instead of him hitting me, as I thought he would, he began to tickle me which caught me by surprise since I wasn't expecting that at all. And I burst out laughing again.
"S-stop!" I said in between laughs as I brought my hands to his and tried to move it away but failed.
I looked back at him, still laughing and tried to stop him with my words but nothing but laugher came out while he smile his ass off.