"Who are you?" I asked, still left in the shock and scared state that came over me when gunshots were heard.
I look up to his face which was hidden behind a dark shadow and bit my lips as silence fell between us.
"Who I am is none of your business,"...
I yawned, rolling over to my side while trying to find a comfortable spot to snuggle into but groan when I didn't realize that turning would mean that the sun would be in my face since I was turning towards the window.
I let out a breath, rubbing my eyes as I sat up from my bed. My eyes squinted after I removed my hands and I opened them fully after they had adjusted to the light.
The first thing my eyes did afterward was to search for Jaxon. I shifted my gaze to his bed, frowning when I saw it empty.
Maybe he's in the bathroom or some other part of the room since we were staying at his suite...It's pretty big by the way.
I pushed the thought of him away and rose to my feet, stretching as I do so. Looking around for the last time and seeing no one, I began heading for the bathroom but came to a halt when I was only a few meters away from the door.
My eyes had spotted Jaxon and just as I had guessed, he was sitting in the living room with a phone to his ears and a book in his hands.
His eyes were stuck to mine while he spoke in fluent French. I froze for a second looking back at him, that was until he pointed to me causing me to frown before looking down to my body and saw that I was only in my bra and underwear.
Gosh! How could I forget?!!
My eyes widen right away as I quickly covered myself with my hands and ran into the bathroom but before I did, I didn't fail to notice the smile on his lips.
"Come on Ariana! You can do this!!" I encouraged myself. I was stuck in the bathroom for the past ten minutes now, scared to leave since I had embarrassed myself earlier.
I really didn't want to face him at the moment but I can't hide in the bathroom forever, can I?
Plus this is definitely not the first time he saw you in only your bra and panties! It happened a few times before so just as you had brushed it off before, you can putsh this thought to the back of your head and get your ass out there!