"Who are you?" I asked, still left in the shock and scared state that came over me when gunshots were heard.
I look up to his face which was hidden behind a dark shadow and bit my lips as silence fell between us.
"Who I am is none of your business,"...
My eyes immediately widened in surprise bit soon after closed when he started moving his lips.
I kissed him back.
I could feel butterflies in my stomach as he gently places his hands on my waist and pulls me closer to him.
Time stopped but my beating heart never did. It only drummed faster and faster against my chest by every passing second.
I could feel this bubbly feeling inside of me as time went by and honestly, I didn't want him to stop, I didn't want to stop.
But sadly, it did, causing me to inwardly groaned when he had finally pulled his soft lips way from mine.
I stood there a little out of breath but mostly embarrassed for kissing him. And surely him kissing me was surprising but the next thing that happened after left me even more shocked than I was.
"I...I like you"
My eyes widened just after he had spoken. I took a step back, trying to process the words that just came out from his mouth.
He...he likes me?
Since when?
"W-what?" Yes, I couldn't believe the words that were coming from his mouth. It was a little hard to believe actually...since he's always cold to me and stuff...but I do have to admit, he has been treating me a lot better than before and thinking back about his behaviors towards me, I don't doubt his words that much as before.
But when did this begin?! How? I am just so confused at the moment!
"You heard me.." he pause, bringing his hands to my face, and like numerous times before, he caresses it.
"I don't know when but as I got to know you more, you slowly became someone special to me, Someone that I got very protective of and jealous over. Someone I can't get out of my f**king mind! and make countless efforts to make her smile....
No one has ever made me feel this way until you had entered my life and now my heart can't stop beating for you...I like you Ariana and every time I see you, I can't help but fall even more for you."