Act I: Chapter 2

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(Perspective: Ink)

I can't recall what happened to me. The last thing I remembered was getting attacked by those crows and then fainting. I woke up in a doctor's office, unaware of what just happened.

"Where am I?" I asked as I woke up. Then, I saw her. She looked kind of like a Frisk of some sort, but she also looked a bit different. We stared at each other for about a minute, and then I spoke.

"Frisk?" I asked the human girl. She gave me a confused look.

"Um, no," she said to me, "My name is Adeleine. We found you unconscious outside, so we brought you here." I then realized that Broomie was missing.

"Where's Broomie?!" I said in a panic. I took out a pink paint bottle and poured the paint on myself to feel panicking. This was a bad idea, because I got up from the off the table and began searching everywhere for it. Adeleine tried to calm me down.

"Calm down," Adeleine said, "Who's Broomie?"

"It's the name of my paintbrush," I told her, "I must've left it in the woods."

"Are you talking about the big one?" the penguin creature asked me. I nod my head.

"I think I picked one up when we found you," he continued, "It's just outside the room."

"Thank you," I said. I walked outside the room, and I saw Broomie up against the wall. I grabbed it, and put it on my back.

Which universe is this? I thought. I walked back into the office, and poured some cyan paint on me to calm me down.

"I think we got off on the wrong foot," I said, "My name is Ink Sans, but you can call me Ink. I am a protector of the multiverse."

"Interesting," Adeleine said, "I noticed how you just absorbed the paint you poured on yourself. How on Earth did you do that? Wait, sorry, I'm topic jumping." I think I liked this girl. She kind of reminded me of myself.

"So, you're a protector of the multiverse," she continued, "What are you doing here?"

"That's the thing," I said, "I don't know exactly. All I remember is that I came here to escape, and then I was attacked and..." I paused and thought for a moment. Then I remembered.

"Wait," I said, "I came here because my multiverse is in trouble. An evil being known as Error Sans has absorbed the power of Void Termina, and is destroying the timelines and AUs as we speak." Everyone gasped when I said this.

"Impossible," the short masked blue creature said, "We defeated Void Termina years ago, unless it was only a trick."

"This all seems a little overwhelming to about here," the penguin said, "Let's go find a place to eat and talk about it. Chef Kawasaki's anyone?" They all groaned, except for the pink puffball, who seemed excited.

"I guess we can eat there," Adeleine said, "Maybe our new friend might like it there."

"I'm cool with whatever," I said, "I am pretty hungry right now."

"Great," Adeleine said, "Let's go. Dr. Yabui, do you want to come?"

"I've got to do more research," the doctor answered, "But thanks for the offer."

"Then, let's go."

On the way to the restaurant, I learned everyone's names. The pink puffball was Kirby, the masked one was Meta Knight, the pink fairy was Ribbon, and the penguin was King Dedede. When we walked into the restaurant, I could smell fresh food. It smelled delicious. I didn't see what everyone was groaning about. We sat down at a table, and were greeted by the chef.

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