Final Act: Chapter 24

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(Perspective: Ink)

Straight ahead was the portal leading to Error. As soon as we all stepped into it, there was no turning back. It was time to face Error and end this millennial war.

The place we ended up in was at some sort of intergalactic battlefield. The floors were dark and shiny like glass. I looked up and saw the stars lined up to form another larger star. The sky around us was almost as black as midnight, but stayed a bit lighter. Looking forward, I saw Error just standing there, staring at us while holding a tight grip on the Jamba Heart.

"So, you finally made it," Error began as he creepily smiled, "I hope you like getting front row seats for the demise of all universes!"

"Sorry Error," Blue said, "But we didn't buy tickets for that."

"Yeah!" Dream added, "We bought tickets for... for..." He hesitated slightly.

"Regardless," Adeleine stepped in, "We're here to take you down for once and for all." Error closed his eyes and shrugged.

"Good luck then," he said sarcastically, "Because you're going to need it!" He then pressed the Jamba Heart against his chest and screaming in agony.

"What's he doing?" Daroach asked. Ribbon's eyes popped.

"He's absorbing the Jamba Heart!" she shouted.

"Which means he's going to fuse with Void Termina," PJ added, "He'll be mega powerful!" Suddenly, dark energy absorbed Error, causing him to reform into something new. His body became as tall as a skyscraper, with is limbs detached from his head and torso, and a lack of lower half. Error was no longer a glitched skeleton. He was a Demon.

"I will wipe out any and every world!" He shouted in a big booming voice.

"Adeleine, is there a way we can defeat him?" I asked.

"We need to destroy his SOUL," Adeleine answered, "It's located inside his chest. If we find a way to knock is head off, we can get inside." I looked up and saw a third eye on Error's head. It had a yellow pupil and it glowed red around it. Three more eyes appeared on his chest and his left and right arms.

"Maybe that eye is the weakness," I suggested.

"Then we should aim all of our attacks at it," Adeleine told me, "Let's get on the Friend Star. Dream, Blue. You as well."

"Right away," Blue replied. The four of us quickly got onto the Friend Star with Adeleine sitting up front.

"What do you want us to do?" Meta Knight asked.

"Stay down here and try not to get hurt," Adeleine instructed, "Be on the lookout for any attacks and aim for the other eyes. Once they're all destroyed, we should be able to get an opening into his chest."

"We'll get it done faster than you can say a mouse likes cheese," Daroach told us. Shortly afterwards, Adeleine started to fly the Friend Star and headed for the head while Daroach started casting ice beams from down below. As we were aiming for the head, Adeleine started firing stars from the Friend Star, intending to hit the third eye. Error caught on quickly and swung his giant arm at us. Fortunately, it was super slow, giving Adeleine enough time to fly up and dodge the attack.

"I got an idea," Blue said, "But I need to jump off real quick." She jumped off the Friend Star high into the air and summoned her sword. She then pointed her sword down stabbed it into the third eye. Yellow blood started to drip out of it.

"Now's your chance!" Blue shouted, "Give it everything you got!" Adeleine began firing several stars at the eye while Dream prepared his bow to fire an arrow of light. Blue quickly jumped back onto the Friend Star as soon as Dream fired the arrow. The impact from the hit caused the eye to explode into a beam of light.

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