Act III: Chapter 16

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(Perspective: Ink)

As we were about to get blasted, a green barrier surrounded us, blocking the attack. I looked over at Adeleine, who was casting the barrier. Her appearance had changed significantly. Her long black hair had been tied into two long ponytails on each side with a green streak of hair going down the left side. Her eye color shifted from a slight teal to a light green. Her outfit consisted of a green short-sleeved top with a horizontal silver stripe down the middle and a silver brooch with a green heart above it. Her skirt was divided into twelve sections, with each section being a different color of the rainbow as the pattern moved clockwise around the skirt. I was nearly speechless by how beautiful she was.

"Adeleine!" I said, "Y-You're..."

"A Star Fairy?" she finished, "I should've told you sooner." She let go of the barrier. Error clenched his fists and growled.

"A Fairy Eater?!" he shouted, "Impossible!"

"It's quite possible," Adeleine said with a smile, "And this comes with an added bonus." She revealed our split SOULs and turned them into whole ones by the power of green magic. Our SOULs became half red and half green. Error was so filled with anger that he fired several glitched bones at us. Adeleine summoned a barrier and nullified the attack.

"As a Fairy Eater, my powers are much stronger than any Star Fairy," she explained, "Your bone attacks have no effect on me." She then summoned a sword and a paintbrush. She held the sword in her left hand and the paintbrush in her right. She turned to me.

"Come on," she said, "Let's take him on." I nod my head and pulled out Broomie.

"We'll do it together," I said back. Blue walked over to us.

"We'll stand back and help you when needed," she said. Error summoned two bones and held them like swords.

"Looks like you're going to have a bad time!" he shouted, "Let's begin!" Adeleine and Error both charged at each other and started to hack and slash at each other. I ran up to Error and smacked him with my paintbrush, knocking him away. He landed on his feet and slid back towards the wall.

"Impossible!" he shouted, "It's as if he has more power than me. But he won't be able to escape my string attack!" Error then cast blue strings at me in attempt to break my SOUL. Fortunately, Adeleine created a circular barrier around Error and began to enclose him.

"What are you doing?!" he shouted, "Did I ever mention how annoying your powers can be?!"

"Can't say you've mentioned it," Adeleine responded as she tightened the barrier. Error quickly broke out of it though.

"You piece of trash!" he shouted at Adeleine, "It's time that you die!" He summoned a Gaster Blaster and pointed it at Adeleine. Quickly reacting to it, I summoned another Gaster Blaster and fired it at Error's, causing it to explode.

"Not on my watch!" I shouted, "You keep your hands off my girlfriend!"

"Thanks Ink," Adeleine said to me. Error growled more and started stomping his feet.

"You guys get on my nerves!" he said, "I gotta go and corrupt the rest of the AUs." As he was about to open a portal, Blue cast hot blue flames at him, preventing him from doing so.

"You've gone on long enough Error," she said, "It's time to serve you Justice. Everyone, give Error everything you got!" Before we were about to give Error the full on treatment of Justice, the bad Sanses entered the castle.

"Friends," Error said, "Get rid of these pests!" We all turned around and saw them standing there. They grinned at us evilly.

"That's not possible," Dream said, "We knocked them over the cliff."

"I saw this coming," Blue said, "Knocking them over would only buy us time. I forgot that Fairy Eaters don't die so easily."

"What do we do now?" Ribbon asked, "We're no match for the four of them."

"Maybe we are," Adeleine said confidently, "As a Fairy Eater, I can manifest the element of light. If you stay under my barrier, I might be able to create a nuclear blast that would wipe them out." I gulped

"But isn't that dangerous?" I asked, "What about the others?"

"Ink? What other choice do we have?" Adeleine responded, "These are Fairy Eaters. Star Fairy SOULs combined with a monster's SOUL. They're more than a match for us."

"No," Blue said, "I can teleport us somewhere safe. But the only problem is, I don't know where it will take us. Most AUs are corrupted." I tapped my cheek and thought for a moment. Then, an idea hit me. I ran over to Blue and whispered into her ear.

"Are you sure?" she asked me, "Is this really the best place we can go?"

"It's the only place I know that isn't corrupted," I answered, "It's our only chance." The bad Sanses readied their weapons and charged at us. Before they could hit us, Blue teleported the seven of us out of the area.

I began to look around immediately after we entered the area. Nobody was in sight. All I could see was the dark purple empty ruins of a lost AU. Then, I heard a voice in the distance. It was Error's.

"Did you really think you could escape me by ending up here?!" he asked me. I gasped and turned around. Sweat crawled down my head. My teeth chattered as I saw the glitchy skeleton demon walking towards you.

"Where are my friends?!" I shouted at him, "Where did you take them to?! Give them back!"

"Your friends are fine," Error answered, "Now, it's just you and me. Alone at last."

"No," I said, "You're lying. You always lied to me. I trusted you! I treated you like a brother!" Tears came spilling down my face.

"And how do you repay me?!" I continued, "By destroying everyone and everything I love!!!" Filled with deep sadness, I fell to my hands and knees and started crying louder than I ever did before. Error just looked at me and crossed his arms.

"Now you know what real emotions are like, don't you," he said, "You're getting exactly what you deserve." I didn't respond and continued to cry.

"This is what you get for trusting someone like me," he continued. I quickly tried to reach for the Star Rod, but it was gone.

"Looking for this?" he asked as he pulled out the Star Rod. I looked up and gasped.

"Give that back!" I shouted.

"Sure," Error said as he threw it on the ground, "It won't be enough to defeat me anyway." I grabbed the Star Rod and held it tight as I curled up into a ball.

"You big crybaby," Error said, "You're powerless to stop me." He walked away and left me alone. Tired from crying, I passed out on the floor. 

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