They found me.

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Violet's prov.

So let me catch you up to speed on what's been happening. It's been great I'm eight months pregnant. I found out I'm having twins about three months ago. I was all excited while Alex just stood there all shocked. He's ok now and is as excited as me. We still don't know if I'm having a baby boys or girls yet but I hope I'm having boys because let's face it everyone says your kids end up being like you but worse so if I have boys they will act like Alex and not me. (A.N ok so I need to know if you guys want her to have boys or girls or one boy one girl.) But it's fine the girls in the pack bought me a bunch of baby stuff in red, black, and Gray so if the babies are boys or girls they can wear any of the clothes and play with any of the baby toys. We still haven't picked names out Alex can't pick a name so I told him we would pick a names when the babies where born that way we would know if the names fit the babies. So that's what's been going on.

✨✨✨✨Present time.✨✨✨✨

I was in the woods sitting in a field of wild flowers rubbing my tummy talking to my lil Angels hoping they understood me. As I was talking to my babies something shot out of the woods and hit me in the arm. I looked at the weird thing only to figure out it was a sleeping dart I yanked it out of my arm but it was to late I was already feeling dizzy. I got to my feet and walked toward the opening in the woods I was stumbling and walking into the trees. Then before I knew it I was out cold. It weird how I'm alway blacking out I should ask the gran elder about that. I hope Alex is ok. This was my last thought before everything just blacks out of my mind.
Strangers prov.

Well well if it isn't the little bitch that got away. You should have died with the rest of your pack. Now you will die after we torture the living hell out of you.

Ok so I know it's short but the next chapter is going to be a lot longer trust me. Oh by the way I need ideas for baby names.

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