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A Pleasant Surprise

The sound of your alarm made your eyes flutter open. You let out a groan as you notice the empty space you left Kakashi in last night. He left early in the morning without saying anything again. You let out another groan and you rolled over towards the alarm that was buzzing at you. You stared at it blankly for a while, the finally mustered up the energy to turn it off.

You forced yourself to sit up in your bed. It had been a little over two years since Naruto left. The Hidden Leaf had been pretty quiet since he went off to train with Jiraiya, most people had even begun to miss him. You forced yourself onto your feet and dragged yourself into the shower. The hot water waking you up as you washed your body and (H/C) hair.

After fifteen minutes, you dried yourself and put on your (F/C) outfit. Usually, you had training with your special sensei but he seemed to be too busy to leave the usual note of instructions.  As you looked yourself over in the mirror your stomach growled. Usually, Kakashi would leave some breakfast, he had been spoiling you these past few years of being his only student, but when you walked into the kitchen the table and refrigerator were empty. "Typical..." you growled to yourself.

You grabbed your ninja tool pouch and headed out of your apartment, a ham and cheese croissant from your favorite café was the only thing on your mind while you locked the door. You strolled through the calm streets of Konoha as you made your way across town. 

"(Y/N)?" you heard a soft voice call out from behind you.

You turned around to see Hinata. Over the years she grew her hair out while her curves filled out.  "Hinata, good morning."

The shy girl did a little jog to catch up with you and you both started to walk in the same direction. "Good morning, (Y/N). Where are you going?"

"The Pachimari Café, they have the best breakfast pastries and tea. I didn't feel like cooking so I decided to spoil myself. What about you, I never see you on this side of town without Kiba or Neji."

"I'm going to the café too. Father said Big Brother Neji and I did well in training so we got the rest of the day off. We can eat together if you'd like." She smiled at you. She was so precious when she wasn't too shy or scared to speak.

"Yeah, of course. I could use some company."


The two of you seated yourselves at a table on the porch of the café. Your stomach let out a snarl loud enough for everyone to hear. You felt your cheeks flush, "Sorry." You said, "I haven't really eaten since I had lunch yesterday. Sometimes you work so hard you don't realize you're hungry, you know?"

She giggled and slipped a strand of hair behind her ear. "I get it. I bet Kakashi-sensei works you to the bone."

Your cheeks grew hot as the memories of your training flooded your mind. Every lewd comment, every moment that was heavy with sexual tension, every workout-turned-makeout session. Three years and Kakashi still hadn't laid a hand on you. At least not in the way that you wanted.


Hinata's voice pulled you out of your thoughts. "Sorry." You gave your head a little shake. "I- uh. I zoned out. What did you say?"

The pale girl laughed, "It's alright. I asked if-"

"(Y/N)! Hinata!" The voice that called out to you instantly ruined your mood. You took a massive bite out of your ham and cheese croissant so you wouldn't have to speak.

"Sakura!" Hinata beamed. She was so nice to Sakura despite the pink-haired witch had been extremely overbearing and cocky ever since she started her training with Tsunade full-time. You always hated the way she spoke over poor Hinata as if she wasn't shy enough.

From Sensei to Daddy☽Kakashi x Reader☾Where stories live. Discover now