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  "Do you guys really think Kakashi put off whatever this challenge is to read that book I got him?" Naruto questioned as three-fifths of Team 7 walked through the streets of Konoha.

  You and Sakura exchanged looks, "Yes." the two of you said in unison.

  Sakura shrugged, "Who cares? This just gives us time to strategize against Kakashi-Sensei. We've been apart for a while so it would be good for us to figure out what we've learned. New abilities, old weaknesses, stuff like that."

  Your eyes widened, "That's actually a good idea, Sakura."

  She smirked and flipped her hair, "I know, I'm full of great ideas."

  You rolled your eyes, I'm never complimenting her again. "Alright what have you two learned?"

  Sakura smiled, "I can heal a lot more wounds now, and I have super strength now."

  You and Naruto blinked. "Is... is that all?"

  The girl pouted, "Well I don't see any new tricks up your sleeves."

  "I've learned 6 new fire-style jutsus while mastering lightning, water, and earth chakra release styles." You said cocking your eyebrow at her.

  "And I've learned how to control the nine tails, refined my taijutsu and shadow clone jutsu, and learned how to use my shadow clones in a fight properly."

  Sakura scoffed. "Well I learned what I had to, so I could become the medical ninja of this team. So, yeah. If anything you guys should be thanking me."

  "You're right Sakura." You smiled at her, "Because I would hate to be in your position."


  The three of you stepped out into the clearing that was the third training ground. There on the far side of it was Kakashi, his nose deep into his new book. He glanced up to see his students had arrived and quickly put away his book. "Look who's finally shown up."

  "Look who's talking." You muttered just loud enough for Naruto and Sakura to hear. They both chuckled.

  Your sensei cocked an eyebrow and the three of you, but then shrugged it off. He looked around then smiled to himself, "This was your first training ground, wasn't it? Wow, I feel old." Kakashi paused for a moment before he spoke, "Seems like only yesterday I was beating the crap out of you three. Naruto. Sakura. Sasuk-"

  You glanced over at your teammates, both of their faces were distraught. You guessed that Kakashi was referencing something that happened way before you joined Team 7, back when Sasuke was here. You gave Kakashi a confused look and he returned it with a shrug.

This man really doesn't know how to read a room... You sighed as you motioned for him to move along.

  He nodded, cleared his throat, and started digging through his ninja pouch. The soft jingle of bells seemed to snap your teammates out of their depressed haze.

  You head Naruto let out a chuckle, "Now those take me back." He cracked his knuckles while he and Sakura exchanged confident glances.

  "They're just bells?" You said blankly.

  Kakashi laughed to himself, "You're very observant, (Y/N). Glad to see these last couple of years weren't a complete waste." He teased. Your face grew hot with frustration and embarrassment. He'd pay for that one day. "Since you are new to this challenge I'll explain it to you." The shinobi lifted his hand to his eye level. In his possession were three small bells the same color as his hair. "You will have until sunrise tomorrow to get one from me. If by then you don't have a bell in my possession, you will fail the test and your training will be deemed a waste of everyone's time." Kakashi then tied the bells to his hip. "Same as last time, if you don't come at me with the intent to kill, you will fail."

From Sensei to Daddy☽Kakashi x Reader☾Where stories live. Discover now