The Hogwarts express, and Hogwarts

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(Just so you know, this is when Lily is older and going to Hogwarts for her first time).

"James! Al! I'm coming to Hogwarts with you this time!" Lily cried with happiness, bursting into the kitchen like a crazy puppy. "I think we know that Lils. You've been going on about it since we got back from Hogwarts last time!" James laughed, looking at his younger sister like she was a precious gem. Albus patted his sister on the back but said nothing, he had been rather downhearted since his first year, which he hadn't enjoyed. Lily smiled, when she was in a good mood, nothing could stop her from being in that good mood, even Albus being grumpy. She ran upstairs, hauled her trunk down, along with her owl. Her owl was a beautiful snowy owl named Hedwig, after her fathers owl. "You've already finished packing?!" James asked in surprise. Lily looked at him like he was an alien. "YOU HAVEN'T?!" She screamed at her brother, pushing him up the stairs and to his room. 

"Bye dad! Bye mum! I'll miss you!" Lily Luna Potter cried, leaping into her father's arms. Her parents smiled. "We'll miss you too Lily, but you'd better go before the train leaves!" Ginny Potter (née Weasley) smiled down at her daughter. Lily smiled, "Bye!" she cried, and ran of to get on the train. She looked around for a compartment, she saw James in one, but it was full with all of his friends (as if she'd want to sit with him anyway). Albus was in one, and it was empty other than him. She walked in and sat down. "That seat is taken." Albus said in a monotone. Lily smiled, not seeming to care. "By who?" She asked him. A boy with blond hair appeared in the doorway. "By me." He said. Lily smiled, understanding and moved to sit across from Al. "I'm Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy by the way." The blond haired boy smiled, sticking his hand out to Lily. "Lily Luna Potter." She said, taking his hand and shaking it. Scorpius looked accusingly at Albus,   "You never mentioned a sister Al!" He said, fake shocked. Al looked uncomfortable. "Uhhhhhhhhhh, I, uh, welllllll, ummmmm..." He smiled sheepishly. Lily laughed, then frowned. "Albus Severus Potter. I am absolutely disgusted in you! You didn't tell your friend about your own sister! Oh and Scorpius, congratulations in making it so far in a friendship with my crazy brother Albus!" Lily said, putting on a angry voice and then bursting out laughing. Albus frowned, then a grin spread across his face. "Really Lily! You do know how to cheer someone up! But please, please, please Lily Luna Potter, no more imitations of howlers, I would hate to get one!" He said, laughing. Lily smiled, she had cheered up her upset brother, and now she was happy. Lily curled up by the window with a book, and gazed out into the countryside absentmindedly. 

Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy couldn't stop staring at Lily Luna Potter. He knew he shouldn't be in love with a Potter, but he was. 'Stupid.' He scolded himself. 'Malfoy plus Potter? Sorry but no.'  He tried to tell himself it was useless, that a pretty girl like Lily could never fall for him, but try as he might, he couldn't put her out of his mind. (Albus and Scorpius are in gryffindor not slytherin.)  A little while later, the trolley lady comes along. "Anything from the trolley dears?" She said, then noticed Albus and Scorpius, and scowled. "I guess not." She said, moving on before we could even see what was on the trolley. Lily sighed, and looked back down at her book. Al and Scorpius started talking, and the rest of the ride went by in a blur.

"Firs' years over ere! Firs' years over ere!" Hagrid shouted, clutching a lantern in one hand and beckoning to first years with the other. He led the nervous first years over to the boats, were they split into fours and had their first views of the incredible Hogwarts...

The first years walked into a loud hall full of kids. Most of them were trembling, and one extremely nervous boy looked like he could faint at any moment. A few kids who had obviously been told about the first time in the great hall by siblings, looked like this was odd, but still normal. Two redheads stood out from the rest, they were talking merrily and they were the most relaxed first years there. That was saying something, because Lily Luna Potter and Hugo Granger Weasly were looking around, but whenever anyone looked at them, they would hurriedly look down again. Names were called out, houses were called out, but nobody really paid much attention to them, until. "Weasly, Hugo." Lily's head jerked up as her cousin walked up to the stool. "ANOTHER WEASLY!" The sorting hat cried, over the years, it had begun to shout things it thought were 'hilarious' out to the sea of children. Everyone laughed. "I THOUGHT I HAD HAD MY FAIR SHARE OF THEM!" It cried, and then focused on sorting Hugo into a house. "GRYFFINDOR!" It cried, and cheers erupted from the Gryffindor table. "Potter, Lily." The sorting hat shouted nothing for this one, but immediately cried, "GRYFFINDOR!" Lily beamed and skipped over the the cheering table. 

That night, Scorpius couldn't stop thinking of the amazing, Lily Luna Potter... And Scorpius went through Lily's mind a few times. The only difference between them was, Scorpius kept crossing Lily's  mind, while the Lily stayed in Scorpius's mind... 

A/N That was short, but it took a while to write. If you're reading it, please comment or vote, or do both! (So so so sorry if that last bit was cheesy (Which I know it was.) Please  think of the next chapter as a flashback!

Is Scorpius's crush on Lily to obvious?

 When should Lily realize?

What should Lily do when she realizes?

Do you have ANY ideas on who other people (Rose, James, Albus etc.) should be with? (For James I was thinking maybe Alice Longbottom?)

Any other ideas please comment!

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