The prank....and detention

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r"Hugo! Hugo! Come here!" Hugo's head jerked up, and looking across to the other end of the Gryffindor table, saw Lily, with a mischievous glint in her emerald green eyes. He got up and moved his plate over to Lily, where they began to whisper. Roxanne Weasley walked over. "What are you two kids doing?" She asked, half-amused by their secrecy. Hugo looked at Lily, obviously waiting for her to take charge. "Uh...we....were just talking?" Lily said nervously, caught off guard by the question. Her cousin smiled. "I won't tell anyone that you're planning a prank as long as you tell me what it is." She laughed. "And you have to let me help." The two first years looked at each other, bent their heads together, and started arguing. "No Lily. If she joins, I'm out." Hugo said firmly. "Come on Hugo!" Lily pleaded with puppy dog eyes. (A thing she is very good at) "She is such a good prankster! We could do great things!" She giggled. Hugo sighed, looking at his cousin. "Fine." He muttered. Lily squealed in delight and told them to both come with her. Hugo frowned. "What about classes?! I can't get detention already!" He whispered through a mouthful of chicken. "You numskull!" Lily laughed. "It's Saturday!" She and Roxanne said in unison. Hugo smacked his forehead. "I am an idiot!" Lily grinned. 
"Yes, yes you are!" Roxy laughed. "You're so similar to Uncle Ron! We're not  even in the great hall anymore and you still have to get at least five sausages!" She said as they walked out to where Lily was taking them. 

"Okay, so we're going to hex the tarts at dinner tonight so that everyone who eats them starts squawking, and the hex the apples so that when someone tries to eat one, the apple turns into a water balloon and pops in their face!" Lily said enthusiastically. Hugo's face paled. 
"Not the tarts! Anything but the tarts!" He cried. Lily paused, her eyes glinting. 
"Hmm, how about the apple pie then?" Hugo whimpered. "No? I thought not. We are doing the tarts." Lily smirked, Roxanne began to laugh, and Hugo started contemplating who he should punch first. 

Lily Luna Potter sat in the great hall trying not to laugh her head off. Around her, she could hear alarmed squawks and surprised screams.  She turned to Hugo, who was sitting next to her, and under the table they fist-bumped. She subtlety high-fived Roxy and tried not to give them away by laughing. But Professor (Headmistress) Mcgonnagal noticed, somehow, the high five, the fist bump, and the laughing.  "Miss Potter. Miss Weasley. Mr. Weasley. I take it that you were the ones who started this mess." She walked over to the trio. Their faces paled. How did she know? Roxy sighed. "Yes... Sorry." Hugo said. Lily punched him under the table. Roxy pinched him, and he frowned at them, they knew he was going to get them back. "Come with me please. You will serve detention along with-" She takes out a list and looks at it. "Albus Potter, James Potter, Scorpius Malfoy, and Fred Weasley." Lily frowned.
"If you don't mind me asking, what are all these people in detention for?" She asked. Professor Mcgonnagal sighed. "Scorpius and Albus: Out after lights out, James and Fred: Out of bounds, and you three: Playing pranks on the second day." The three look at each other, and Hugo scowls. "This is your fault." He said, and then made a point of ignoring the two girls.
"Sit down please," The professor said.
"Shouldn't we wait for the others?" Roxy asked. Professor Mcgonnagal nodded.
"Indeed we should." Scorpius, Albus, James, and Fred walked in. They looked surprised seeing the three sitting there. "You will be writing lines." The Professor said and walked to the front of the classroom. "Roxanne, Lily, and Hugo. You are going to write I will not play pranks (A/N I know they're bad punishments, sorry) James, Fred, you'll write I will not go out of bounds, and Albus and Scorpius, you'll write I don't get out of bed after hours. You will all write this until lunchtime." She said, and left. 

~Time skip brought to you by Hugo's love of food~

"Are we really going to just sit here for the next two hours or will we do something fun," James asked. Lily ignored her brother. But Fred replied with: "Do something fun." Hugo sighed. But Roxy grinned. "I agree with Fred and James." She said. Al nodded, and so after a while so did Hugo. "Come on you two! You're taking all the fun out of it!" Roxy said to Scorpius and Lily. They both shrugged and kept writing. James winked and Fred and Roxy, and did something he knew would annoy Lily and Scorpius. "Come on Lils!" He said, Lily scowled. "Come on Scorp!" He continued, earning a scowl from Scorpius. "You two may as well be the same person, you think exactly the same ways!" He finished. Lily leaped up, blushing lightly. She walked up to her brother and slapped him. She then spoke up. "You know I was supporting the idea of doing something fun the whole time, I just wanted to see how you reacted to me not wanting to!" She laughed.

~Time skip brought to you by Lily slapping James at least ten more times~

Lily skipped out of the great hall towards the common room. Once she got there, she grabbed her sketchbook. She ran outside towards the tree she'd been in the other day. She stopped when she saw that Scorpius was already there. She shrugged, Scorpius was nice, she had no reason to avoid him. She walked over. "Hi Scorpius." She smiled. He looked up.
"Hi Lily." He said, "Coming here again?" He asked her. She nodded, and climbed up the tree. She drew the scene in front of her. Some of the forbidden forest could be seen, along with Hagrid's hut and the garden in front of it. 

Lily was getting ready to jump from the tree, but she dropped her book...onto the ground right beside Scorpius. He picked it up. "Wow Lily, this is really good!" He told her. She looked down and blushed. "It's not really that can keep it if you want." She said. Now it was Scorpius's turn to blush. "No, I couldn't, it's too good. You keep it." He told her. She shook her head.
"No, I've got so many drawings already, you have it." She said while leaping out of the tree. Scorpius smiled. "Thanks, Lily, I'll make sure I make you something in return." He said to her. She smiled, collected her pencils and her sketchbook, and ran off. 

Lily sat down on her bed, thinking. Why had she run away, she should have stayed! Another girl walked in. Lily looked up and saw it was Roxy. "Hey Lily." She said. "You okay?" She asked. Lily nodded, but didn't speak. She was still blushing from the complements, and Roxy noticed. "Lily, who do you have a crush on?" Roxy asked slyly. Lily looked up.
" one?" She muttered, her blush deeper now. Roxy laughed.
"Lily, I know when you're lying. And I saw you with Scorpius from the window." Roxy laughed. Lily blushed at the mention of his name. "Okay, okay, you know now, now leave," Lily told her cousin, pushing her out the door. She collapsed on the bed. Was it really that obvious? 'Yes' A voice said in her mind. She sighed. But then sat up. She had told Madame Hooch she would come for extra lessons! The teacher had told her that if she practiced hard she would be good enough to make the team this year! She quickly ran downstairs, ignoring comments of 'Slow down Lily!' or 'What are you doing that needs you to rush?' She made it to the grounds, only to find that Madame Hooch was late. She sighed and sat down to wait. 

A/N I am so so so so so so so sorry. I have been writing other stories, and I kinda forgot about this one. Hehe. I hope this is a good chapter, I was in a slight rush to get it done. I am so so so so so sorry. 


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