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AN EMAIL AWAITED OLIVER WHEN HE WOKE UP.  a job offer. his dream job, ever since he was a teenager and watched too many cop and horror movies and had a crush on brad pitt.

"okay, jake, i have to go do something before work so you can take my car to work and i'll see you there. eat breakfast but don't eat everything. i'm holding out till thursday to shop, when i'm free."

"no promises but i'll try my best," jake replied with a smile.

"see you at work. love you lots, bye."

it was only after oliver had locked the door and started towards the elevator that he realized what he had said. fuck. he could never face jake at work, it's too embarrassing.

what the fuck am i gonna do?


"a new job offer? congratulations. will you be leaving the nine nine?" telling captain holt about the job offered a distraction from his morning fuck up.

"i'm not sure yet. i want to look into the job more."

"alert me of your choice.  you will be missed here at the nine nine.  you are one of my best detectives.  i hope you make the choice best for you.  dismissed."

oliver headed over to his desk as jake walked in.  "morning ollie,"  jake smiled as he headed to his desk, getting only a hum in reply.


oliver sat next to rosa during morning briefing and everyone looked at him strange.

he avoided eye contact as much as possible.


oliver hadn't talked to jake in two days, since he left his apartment and let it slip.  he tried to act normal so nobody would notice.

everybody noticed.


"what the hell mclaren?"  rosa asked after she and amy pulled him into the briefing room.  "what did you do to jake?"

"i... um... sorta..."

"spit it out."

"as i was leaving my apartment monday morning... i sorta told him i loved him and i haven't talked to him since."

"oliver, it's wednesday,"  amy pitched in.

"oliver, jake has been a mess.  he won't say what's bothering him.  you have to talk to him,"  rosa added.

oliver stared at the floor for a moment before breaking the silence.  "i can't.  i mean, i will eventually."

"eventually?"  rosa said angrily.  "you have to talk to him, now.  he's been messing up and working extremely slowly."  everyone in the room looked out the window to see jake fidgeting with a pen on his desk.

"i will... but i've been offered a job."

"holy crap, that's awesome.  with who?"  amy asked oliver while he stared out at jake.

"in los angeles.  with the fbi.  someone recommended me to the new york unit but they want me in la if i take the job."

"that's awesome!"  amy exclaimed loudly, shushed by rosa to try and not alert any attention.

(I LOVE YOU)¹     jake peraltaWhere stories live. Discover now