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"BABE, I'M REALLY SORRY THIS IS HOW THE NIGHT WENT," jake apologized once again as he sat next to oliver, watching him do paperwork.

it was past eleven. the sky is dark and the precinct is mostly empty, expect for oliver, jake, oliver's parents and a few people from the night shift. oliver and jake had both gone home early and now they sat, starving, at the precinct.

oliver had his parents sitting in the holding cell, deciding to wait until the morning to send them to a more permanent cell. he had called his sister, who cried and apologised for telling their parents. all oliver could do was tell her it was okay.

his parents had called his name a few times to try and talk to him, to convince him to let them go. oliver offered a large fine and they complained, saying they needed money for a vacation during the summer. they finally went silent after oliver had gotten the name of the hacker from them, flora robinson. oliver had written a note on a sticky note to himself to track her down in the morning.

the dinner date plans with jake had evaporated as soon as oliver arrested his parents and the two of them sat starved and sleep deprived in front of oliver's computer, typing and speaking slowly.

"don't worry jake, it's okay. we just need to finish this up and then we can go home." jake nodded and the hoped out of his seat, grabbing his jacket and headed towards the elevator. oliver didn't say anything, only waved goodbye to jake's back and turned back to his screen.

the words were blurry and meant nothing. he found himself rereading the same sentence over and over until he drifted off into a light sleep.

he reached for his coffee but instead, hit the mug and sent it crashing down to the floor. oliver sighed and leaned over to pick it up.

he didn't know why he was so tired, it wasn't that late. he and jake had stayed up later then this before, watching brad pitt movies. maybe the day's events had finally settled inside him, how his parents hacked his email to get rid of him, how he arrested them, how instead of going on a date with jake, he's sitting at the nine nine, fighting to keep his eyes open.

"hey olls, i got pizza!" jake shouted ten minutes later as he walked into the precinct. "i know it's not anything special but..." he trailed off as he took a seat next to oliver. "anything new?"

"my parents want to see their lawyer, so i contacted him. he'll be here in the morning," oliver sighed as he took a bite of pizza.

"what are you gonna do with your parents?"

"send them home. they'll come back in the morning and they'll talk to their lawyer. i'm almost done. you can go home if you want, jake." oliver yawned as he finished his slice of pizza and reached for another, staring out the window lost thought, barely listening to jake.

"i'll stay. we can go over to your place after."

oliver nodded, still not looking at jake. at this point, it almost made sense for jake to move in with him, jake spent so much time at his apartment. but jake moving in expanded the possibility of sex, something they hadn't done and something oliver didn't want. he wanted his home to be jake's too, it practically was, but the fears that lived in his bones and in his stomach and followed him around everyday stopped him from ever asking jake.

"hey olls, i have a question," jake said as he broke the silence between them. oliver nodded, looking back at him as he took a third slice of pizza. "when you told your parents you were going to decline the job offer. were you telling the truth?"

(I LOVE YOU)¹     jake peraltaWhere stories live. Discover now