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"OLLIE, THERE'S SOMEONE HERE TO SEE YOU,"  jake called from his desk at oliver, who stood making coffee for him and jake.

a man in an fbi uniform walked toward him, with an urgency that scared oliver.

"oliver mclaren?"  he asked, his voice deep.  a nervous feeling grew in oliver's stomach.  "i'm here as a representative of the fbi and the officer who emailed you with the job offer.  i was sent over to offically welcome you to the fbi and to give you your first case, to be solved before you head to los angeles."  he handed oliver a case file, nodded and walked towards the elevator.

jake had heard and headed over, taking the case from oliver's shaking hands and inspecting it.

"ollie, you accepted the job?"  jake's voice shook slightly of sadness, as though he was trying to keep in tears

"no, i didn't.  in fact, i was gonna email them to say i wouldn't be taking the job and to thank them.  someone must have hacked into my email and accepted the offer."

"so you're staying?"  jake's tone had gone from sad to cheerful, definitely looking back down at the file in his hands and frowning.

"if we can find the son of a bitch who emailed the fbi officer."

"okay, we'll find them and clean up this mess, and then, you can stay."  oliver and jake walked over to jake's desk, coffee left behind on the counter.  "do you have any archenemies?  anyone you arrested who could have hacked into your email?"

"i arrested a hacker once for having and selling child pornography.  he ended up getting twenty years in prison for it, so there's no way he could send the email."  both oliver and jake collectively sighed.  "i don't usually arrest perps for cyber crime.  and it must have been someone who is close to me, who knew about the offer and the struggle of coming to a decision."

"maybe someone competing for the job?"  jake offered.

"i'm not sure it's that kind of job, jake."  oliver smiled weakly.

"let's look over the email."


dear officer de los santos,

      first, i would like to thank you for this job offer and opportunity.  after much time and consideration, i have decided to accept the offer as detective.

      i will be in los angeles two weeks earlier then expected, by the beginning of may.

      once again, thank you for this opportunity.

      oliver mclaren

"yeah, that's bad.  two weeks early?  whoever send this must really hate you,"  jake exclaimed after going silent for a moment.  "who do you know actively hates you?"

"for starters, my parents.  any perp i've arrested."

"okay.  anyone you talked to about the offer?"

oliver nodded.  "only three people.  my sister, you and holt."

"maybe... your sister told your parents about the offer accidentally and they sent the email to get rid of you and away from me."

"how would they have gotten in?"

"they could have guessed it or hired someone to break in for them."

(I LOVE YOU)¹     jake peraltaWhere stories live. Discover now