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A week after the wedding.

Hermione's POV

I pushed open the front door of the burrow, "We're back," I shouted and carried on down the hall, "we had a great time," I said,

"We know," Harry said, I looked at what he was holding, the Witch Weekly with me and Draco plastered to the front. I snatched it out of his hands, (see attached picture)

"Where did you get this?" I asked impatiently,

"In the shop, everyone has one, its been a constant update. I though it was meant to be private," he said back and stood up, then walked out the room.

"Who got his wand in knot?" I asked Ginny.

"Ron, he's been missing ever since the wedding, camping out in the forest and won't come back, who ever tries to get him to," she said looking disappointed.

"We'll we're going to unpack," I said turning round as another ball of light entered the film, I pulled out my wand and stepped back, next to Draco. Then it spoke,

"Draco, you never came, this is an act of war, prepare for us,  you have a months, we have no sympathy. We will kill you all without thinking. Oh, and Draco, good luck, and congratulations, but not for long. We are coming." Then it vanished. I put my head on Draco's shoulder and held his hand,

"It's not your fault, this would have happened anyway," the the door burst open, it was Ron.

"Are you all ok?" He said, panting as though he'd been running, "Your.... back."

"Yes, we are," I replied, "And we're all ok, thanks for the concern," I said putting my hand on my belly (she's 8 months pregnant now, the honeymoon lasted almost 6 months).

"Oh," I said, Draco was right by me,

"Honey, are you ok?" He said, the concern was clear in his voice

"No, my waters just broke," and the panic in the house erupted, but Draco seemed very calm as he took me to St. Mungo's.


Harry's POV

We'd been at the hospital for 3 hours now and all we had heard was screaming, Ginny's head was resting on my shoulder, James was on my lap and Ron was pacing the corridor, stomping in his big boots.

"Sit down Ron, pacing isn't going to help," then the door opened and Draco came out.

"Well," Ron said impatiently.

"Its a........"

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