34. Thank you🦋

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I quietly extended my hand to Ron. He affectionately took my hand with a radiant smile on his charming face and slowly slid that glamorous ring on my ring finger. I caressed the smooth surface of the ruby and released a trembling long sigh.

Yeah, I just tied myself up.

I looked at Ron and smiled thinly. He leaned and fervently kissed on the spot just beside my lips. I was taken back by that sudden action. Suddenly I recalled that night. That horrible memory left a tingling feeling on my body.

"Who first asked who?" I was brought back by that sudden question from a reporter. The reporter asked the question while looking at me.

"It was ....," I opened my mouth to repeat after Jess.

"It was me." Ron cut me off. He gently ran his fingers through his hair and looked at me lovingly. "I can still remember she took my breath when I first saw her. Her lovely hair was pulled into a messy bun. She looked so cute, just like an angel. The way she glanced with those dreamy pairs of eyes which made me instantly drunk." Ron chuckled in a low tone, "The way she gently squeezes her innocent lips every time when she smiles radiantly. The way she blinks when she is genuinely surprised."

I felt as if all the air had been sucked out of my lungs.

What was he saying?

"I was addicted then, since that night." He continued. "By the time I realised Liza already entered my heart without herself even knowing it."

That stupid group of audiences was listening to his story with a super attentive expression.

"So, I asked her out," He smiled at me contentedly. "And she said yes."

I released a long breath I didn't realise I was holding awkwardly. He was a damn good liar. I can't believe he just made that up.

"Wow." I could hear Jess was totally impressed.

"You two look so good together," a female reporter looked at us with dreamy eyes. "So, when will the wedding be?"

Thank god, they didn't ask when we would hold our child's "Christening".

"Next month." Ron delivered the answer coolly.


"We forgot to inform you," Jess said with a guilt tone in her voice.

"You guys forgot to invite me to my own wedding, wow." I hissed.

"I am sorry." Jess apologised quietly.

"You should be," I whispered to her between my fake smiles.


"I will see you later." Ron leaned a little and kissed on my left cheek tenderly. I squinted my eyes at him. "Who gave you permission to kiss me so casually."

"Sorry," he told me with a dazzling smile on his face. "Some reporters are still watching us."

Oh, it was for PDA.

We were standing at the front door at my house. Ron insisted on giving me the ride. I agreed. First, for those reporters and second, my car was still at the ex-part-time job parking lot. I had to retrieve my car quickly. I looked back at him. Why the hell did he look so calm and happy?

"You are smiling too much," I said with a flat tone. "Are you happy with the whole situation?"

"Well," He looked at me calmly. "We are going to get married anyway. It's better we accept the whole situation with the whole heart."

I blinked a few times. Then slowly looked away from Ron's deep look.

"I better go." I turned around to leave.

The Broken Photoframe - A Dark Billionaire RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now