Whitney POV
I put a spoon of apples and bananna baby food in Jasmine's mouth. I have to hold her hands because she will put them in her mouth and make everything messy. I tried to be patient. Michael came downstairs. We havent spoken for three days and I'm not gonna break the silence. He overreacted.
¨Good morning.¨ Michael said to Jasmine. He sat across the table and looked at me.
¨Don't look at me.¨ I growled.
¨You're being very childish, Whitney. Can we talk?¨
¨Childish? Okay.¨ I grin.
¨I just wanna know why you started doing the drug?¨
¨I forgot.¨ I shrugged.
¨I want you to be healthy.¨ He took a deep breath.
¨I am healthy.¨
¨You're being very difficult.
¨ No I'm not!¨ I yell. ¨I'm upset!¨
¨There's no reason at all for you to get angry. We're having an innocent conversation.¨ Michael gave me a baby wipe to clean off Jasmine's face.
¨No reason? Huh?" I smile. ¨You're divorcing me for no reason!¨
¨No reason? You're using drugs!¨
¨What do you want from me?¨
¨This is useless.¨ Michael stood. ¨I'm trying to work this out but forget it.¨
He starts walking upstairs. I pick Jasmine up and follow him. ¨No! I wanna talk.¨
¨I'm not listening.¨ He covered his ears.
¨Please.¨ I said in a lighter tone.
¨Okay.¨ He turned around.
¨Were you serious when you said you'll divorce me?¨
¨Yes. I'm not gonna be married to a user. I'm sorry. Either you get help or it's over.¨
I stared at him. He looked serious. I obviously don't want to loose him but I need my powder. I can't live without it. I handed Jasmine to her father and ran down the steps.
-Short and unexciting chapter. I'm sorry.
-I'm using my laptop and I'm rushing. I would've wrote a chapter sooner but I'm going through alot.
-Love Ya

Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston
ФанфикMichael Jackson and Whitney Houston have been together for seven years. Things are going perfect. But one night Whitney does the unexpected and puts the relationship in deep trouble. Michael isnt innocent. While Nippy is getting help he decides to b...