chapter 1: lies and knives

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Beware cursing, Funneh's pov

"I hate Funneh so damn much she's just so clingy and I just hate her! I'm gonna break up with her!!" Alec said hatred and venom laced in his voice he didn't know I was right behind the door......... I couldn't believe what he was saying it broke me how much he said he hated me............

"Dude I know I absolutely hate Gold she is so clingy and secretive and man she hangs with funneh so much I wouldn't doubt it if they were dating! I mean I'm cheating on Gold!" Wait was that Prince Gold's boyfriend?! He was cheating on her I was alright with Alec hurting me but no one and I repeat no one will hurt my sibling!! I couldn't take it anymore I opened the door and prince and Alec's little chat was over!

"Alec we are over!" I said with venom lacing every word "and Prince I'm not okay with you cheating on my sister!" I screamed frost was starting to coat the walls of the small janitorial closet I needed to calm down or my secret would be out, if only Gold was here she can always calm me down with her powers..........

"Wait sister!? Gold is your sister!!?" I realized my mistake part of my.... our secret was already out.........

"Funneh you lied to me.....?" Alec said faking sadness I saw right through the act.....

"Cut the act you bastard I heard everything!" I felt my body temperature dropping if any one touched me they would be shocked at the cold of my skin and would be in pain.... I needed Gold now. Or anyone else in the Krew but they didn't go to this school....... Well they did come to check up on me and gold every once in a while and school was out right now so........? Okay let's try some telepathy with gold first, let's just hope she hasn't already left the school...

"Gold" I asked

"Yeah funneh" gold chirped back

"Can you come to my location"

"Sure I was just going to get ready for my date with Prince though" she said a little sadly I felt bad but she would want to know if Prince was cheating on her....

"He's with me and you won't want to see him after you hear what's happening"  venom lacing my words

"Okay I'll be there in 5" her voice now worried......

Gold was coming good

"You know well then I'll have to end you!" Prince chirped happily he then pulled a pocket knife out of his pocket then Gold showed up good perfect timing

"Prince, what are you doing" she said cautiously seeing the knife pointed at me

"Oh, nothing Goldie bear!" He chuckled as he put the knife away I just had to get it from him but how? But 1st she had to know.

"Stop lying you cheating bastard!" I yelled at him. Gold noticed the frost coating everything in the room and the put her hand on my shoulder bringing my body temperature some what back to normal and the frost started to disappear, thank God.

"What, did I just hear that prince was cheating on me!" I noticed the room heating up Her body temperature was also extremely high, I immediately touched her shoulder cooling her down my powers are much stronger than hers so I couldn't ice to much...

"Really you believe her over me you know I would never cheat on you Goldie bear!" Prince said cheerfully with a hint of anger in his tone.

"Yes, I believe my sister over you, you lying, cheating, asshole!" Gold yelled back at him he then pulled the pocket knife back out and gold did the only reasonable thing when someone has a knife readied to throw at you, she used her weird golden mist powers to knock them out.

Quick A/N wolfie~sama will try to update as often as possible but once school is back up It will be a lot harder to keep a steady schedule for posting if I still wanna sleep so, once school starts back up I won't be updating as often sorry... Wolfie~sama out!

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