chapter 6 a 'crowless' night

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Aphmau's POV

We were running as fast as we could to the scream......

When I saw them excitement and relief washed over me those people Murder of Crows...... Uhg..... They suck! They broke my favorite gadget and killed innocent people! I knew Funneh would already have a plan, if not..... PLAN KREW IT IS!

Lunars POV

We weren't expecting it...... They now we're holding me back, Rainbow got knocked out, and Draco was desperately trying to fight the last one....... All I could do was scream before they had a hand over my mouth I'm now praying that someone heard me.... Please let someone have heard me....

Gold's POV

"On it sis" I said as I pulled out my golden dagger her and aphmau took off to Lunar's scream, please let her be okay...  But I need to focus on this, just don't get stabbed, easy...not.

"What are we gonna do!" The girl with pink hair yelled.....

"Just don't get knocked out or killed" I responded two of the guys one from each side took of running at me I just stepped back and they stopped. They went at me I dodged it. Easy, just had to keep this up till Funneh gets back.......

Lunar's POV

Funneh and.... APHMAU!! were here, thank God! Funneh didn't care she looked around and used her powers freezing them we were free thank god! Ok um what do we do about Rainbow?

"What do we do about Rainbow?" I asked

"Draco, you stay here and heal her. Now come on Gold is holding the rest off!" Funneh nearly yelled we took off running, God I hate running!

Gold's POV

I think I was doing a pretty good job holding them off..... But the stupid boys not even the confident girl decided to help they just stood there shocked.......

"Ahhhg, god ow!" I yelped one had stabbed me in the leg I kicked him off.. I needed help...

A/N I'm sorry I know it's bad.... I.... I..........don't have an excuse this time.... I'm sorry... Wolfie~sama....... Out........

The Protectors of our World. Itsfunneh, the Krew, And Aphmau fanfiction (AU)Where stories live. Discover now