chapter 4 pt.2 memory crystals

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Alec's POV

All these pictures....... Didn't make sense..... After the Hydra...... The Krew...... Who even were these people...... Who was Funneh? I didn't understand so I just stayed quiet........

Selina then pulled out the box labeled memory crystals, I really wanted to see what these things were! Selina opened the box nervously but still did. There were just different color crystals barely filling the bottom of the box.... What else did I expect.... Memory 'crystals' God damnit I'm stupid......

Selina's POV

I opened the box I wasn't exactly shocked to see a bunch of crystals, I mean they are called memory crystals....

I grabbed a teal blue one and turned it in my hands it was beautiful.... I then saw writing on it.... It said the fight of the Hydra I said it aloud and the beautiful gem started glowing and lifted out of my hands...... I nearly screamed I saw the horror painting Alec's face...... Even he was scared.... What did I do... And the I saw a large portion of the air around the gem shimmering..... Then it turned into a screen of 5 people trudging through a swampy area they were wearing........ Armor? And had swords to their sides and bow n' arrows to their backs...... I realized that one girl had blue hair and one had golden brown..... Funneh and Gold..

"Funneh and Gold...." I said aloud still internally shocked I noticed that Alec was noticing this as well

"Then that means.... Those other three people are....."

"The people from the pictures" I said finishing Alec's statement..... We seemed to have a silent agreement to continue watching

The people seemed to be very tired... I wonder how long they were walking through that swamp....

"I'm about to pass out...." A tired voice said she sounded exactly like Gold and came from the girl that looked like Gold...... "Gold we all are..." Another voice replied from the one that was Funneh.... Yep that was Funneh and Gold.... But....

A low snake like snarl snapped me out of my thoughts... I looked at the screen to see the 5 people facing a mortifying creature with 9 heads.......

"Don't tell me..?" The male spoke fear clear in his voice " yeah that's the Hydra!" The girl with pink hair said fearfully...

One of the Hydra heads then blew fire at them they jumped out of the way....

"Gold, You Take the one that breathes fire! Draco, Attempt to cut their heads off without them growing back! Rainbow, heal anyone that gets hurt, and try to use vines to keep their heads in place! Lunar, use any and every potion of damage, poison, and slowness, and if you can, make as many fire resistance potions as possible! I'll help Draco!" Funneh yelled she seemed to know what she was doing "ok we need to either burn or freeze their necks so they don't grow back!" The boy who I'm guessing was Draco yelled back "Good! You use your fire I'll use my ice!" Funneh yelled back a little weight seemed to be lifted of her shoulders "But try to use as little magic as possible I don't want anyone to pass out!" Funneh yelled a lot more stress seemed to wash over her

Time skip to when the fight is over (brought to you by the annoying cat that wants attention at my feet)

"Wow" was all I could croak out... They just took on the Hydra!

"Wow is right!" Said an amazed Alec....... 

"Should we do another one?" I asked nervously picking up the teal crystal from the ground and placing it back in the box

"I.... I don't know...... Yes...." He replied fearfully I grabbed an icy blue with a hint of baby pink gem from the box looking for words I saw them hardcore training I said the words this time expecting what would happen....

It showed an image of a younger funneh getting yelled at by a man that looked a lot like her.... I couldn't make out what he was saying it was as if this one was muted.... But she was doing things a young girl shouldn't have to do..... She was doing an extreme amount of pushups along with other things and she looked to be in pain..... Poor girl... I wanted to help her out he then said words that were very clear

"You can't rely on your powers you must ready yourself for what's to come! You must use your own strength! Don't rely on your powers!!" The man said "you have to be better than the best! Improve yourself! You aren't good enough until you can take me on without your powers!!" He yelled at her again Funneh then screamed "I'm ready!" She seemed to be...... He threw a beam of blue fire at her- she dodged it easily the fighting went on- Funneh won without using her powers "good! Good job, funneh!" He was.... Proud and she seemed to be so happy.... She just wanted to be good enough....... The scene then changed to Funneh facing a women that looked a lot like Gold it was clearly the same day... The women said "Funneh, my daughter your job is to protect your family. You must train all your powers equally.... now train your powers! You have to always have your guard up! And always be prepared! Never go straight to using your powers!!!" She did all of this...... she worked so hard.... She was brutally trained.... How..? How was she doing this...? How was she surviving... All of this.. being pushed past her limits....? I felt so bad.... She did all of this yet she seemed so young....(Funneh was 9 during the training) poor Funneh...

That's when I saw it a note on the table..... I went and grabbed it..... It said this

Look I'm sorry we left but we... Have our reasons we went back to live with some family.. so don't worry we are completely safe
                             -Funneh and Gold

At least their safe......

A/N wolfie~sama is sorry this is another cliffhanger well it's not as bad as the last one but still I'm sorry...... I hope you all have a great morning, day, or night! Wolfie~sama Out!

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