chapter 3 memory crystals

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Selina's POV

I'm really upset with Prince right now........... Alec just told me what happened I want to kill that bastard for cheating on my best friend!

We were walking over to Funneh and Gold's dorm, me to help Funneh comfort Gold and Alec to apologise and explain........

We knocked on the door............... No answer....... I knocked a little harder again no answer......... Hmmmmmm.. what's going on...

"Funneh, Gold we're coming in!" I yelled hoping they would hear me......... No response I opened the door..........

Let's just say the room wasn't exactly the cleanest place in the world........ Not much was missing though...... I started walking to Gold's room.......

"I'm gonna check Gold's room come on" I said to Alec worried, they should be here yet they weren't......... I opened the door to Gold's room it looked pretty normal except for a few missing makeup sets and a few outfits sprawled on the floor.....

"Normal, let's check funneh's room......" Alec said..... A wave of worry washed over me..... What if they weren't here.....? He opened the door to reveal a strangely clean Funneh's room except for one box in the corner I walked over to it...... It was labeled family..... (Alec told her Funneh and Gold were sisters) maybe some pictures or something.....?

"Should we open it?" Alec's words shocked me "I mean they could be hurt Alec..... So yeah" I said worry wavering my words as I slowly opened the box there were 2 smaller boxes..... Huh, wasn't like Funneh to be so..... Organized one box was labeled pictures and one was labeled memory crystals....

"W-what are memory crystals?" I asked Alec nervously turning my head to him

"I don't know" he said while shrugging.... How could he be so care free they could be dead "let's start with pictures" he said snapping me out of my thoughts

"Ok......" I said while taking that one out and slowly opening it....

A picture with 5 people was the first thing I saw, so I pulled it out... It had Be kind, be fearless, be adventurous. Written in funneh's handwriting on the top the only people I recognized in the photo were Funneh and Gold who were these people......?

The next photo I saw was funneh and gold with the same people

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The next photo I saw was funneh and gold with the same people..... But in this one they had weird....... Weapons? At their sides and they looked a little beaten up no, not a little a lot and they seemed to have burns all over their bodies.... At the bottom sprawled in black ink were the words after the Hydra...... But..... The Hydra was a mythical creature not real....... And then I saw they were all still smiling......... After the Hydra, what did that mean........

(Pretend they are like I described I couldn't find the picture I needed and I'm way to tired to make one)

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(Pretend they are like I described I couldn't find the picture I needed and I'm way to tired to make one)

I just passed it for Alec to look at he might be able to make sense of it........ I pulled out the next one

In this one it seemed that Funneh was the only one not wearing a dress

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In this one it seemed that Funneh was the only one not wearing a dress.... Well she was pretty tomboyish compared to Gold, so I didn't think to much of it. I pulled the last one out.....

It said the Krew above a picture of the same people again

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It said the Krew above a picture of the same people again... Was this her family.....? To think........I snapped out of my thoughts and grabbed the box labeled memory crystals......

A/N Wolfie~sama is very sorry about the cliff hanger....... I will update tomorrow..... I'm sorry it's 1:47 A.m here and I actually really need sleep..... I will update after I get rest.... I would stay up and finish it but I have a really bad headache........ And I know not to complain... But I will update again later.... Again sorry.......... Wolfie~sama out.....!

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