Chapter 7 ~ I'll challenge you!

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When Serena woke up in the morning, she was confused for a moment about where she was. Then she remembered yesterday's events and a smile spread on her face.

After many long months, she had finally met Ash again. And this had asked her to live in the same house as himself. And she was asked to go to Pokemon School...

Pokemon School! Serena popped up. No, no, no no no! She was sure she was late! How could that happen, on the first day?!

Serena quickly got out of bed, stripped off her nightgown, and began to quickly put on her daywear as the Pokémon watched next to her, confused about her hurry. She couldn't take a shower now, she just wanted to get moving as quickly as possible. Hopefully, Professor Kukui wouldn't be terribly angry when she arrived late.

Serena paused for a moment. Why hadn't Professor or Ash wake up her? Haven't they remembered? Or didn't they care if Serena was late? The rage flooded Serena and made her cheeks glow red. Heck, Ash should hear about this!

Serena had dressed herself and set in the kitchen with Pokemon in her heels. She didn't have time to eat any bigger breakfast, but she snatched some berries as she went and then turned to look at her Pokémon.

"Return," she said, pointing her Pokémon at the Pokeballs and they returned to their balls. Then she stuffed the balls in her bag, left the house, slammed the door as she left (she was still a little angry to Ash and Kukui), and headed for the Pokemon School.

A little later...

Breathing Serena arrived at the Pokemon Schoolyard. The yard was empty, no one else was there when Serena quickly ran through it to the main door of the school.

She opened the door and slipped in. There was no one in the corridors. Serena realized that the lessons were probably going on and she was really late. On the first day! How embarrassing, she thought and started running toward her class.

In a moment...

Serena was at her classroom door, took a deep breath, and stepped inside. "Sorry I'm late, but..," she began, but did not get the end of her sentence, because she was suspended for a very unexpected way.

"Surprise!" shouting everyone else in one voice, Serena noticed that even Professor Kukui had joined them, and Serena looked at them stunned.

What was this? Why had everyone suddenly surprised her? Serena stood at the class's door with her mouth open and Ash, who was closest to her, came up to her and pulled her to the far class. "Are you surprised?" he asked and Serena nodded, closed her mouth, and realized that Ash was still holding her hand.

She blushed and noticed from her eyelid that Mallow's eyes caught a knowing look. Ash didn't even seem to notice the whole thing, as dense as he was, and he explained to Serena,

"Look, here at Pokemon School, it is traditional to organize a surprise party for every new student, the person to whom the surprise is arranged can be challenged to various competitions or challenges. So I did it when I got here, and it was actually really fun."

He looked at Professor Kukui, who continued, "Sorry we didn't wake you up in the morning, we had to get everything ready for your surprise and you had no doubts. Hope you're not angry" Ash nodded to Kukui's explanation and turned back to Serena. "Well, what do you say?" he asked with a grin on his face.

"Could you let go of my hand?" said Serena and Ash looked at her stunned. Then he noticed that he was still holding Serena's hand and released it and Ash blushed slightly to Serena's surprise.

What this was? Ash Ketchum didn't usually blush. Can it be...? No, now wasn't time to think that, so Serena shook the thought off and then asked, "What are those challenges or competitions?"

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