Chapter 13 ~ Beach day!

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Serena's ankle healed completely in about a week. During that time, she either sat on the couch and watched some series on TV, sat on the stairs of the house and just watched the sky, or sat on the beach where, with Ash’s help, she managed to ankle. In other words, she got bored alone when others did whatever they did.

During that time, Serena often found herself thinking about the performance and planning of subsequent performances. She wondered what Skitty would be like to perform and how she would combine her skills and movements with the movements of Serena's other Pokemon.

Then one day, when Serena was bored on the couch again, Ash came home and said he had caught a new Pokemon. It was a small Fire-type Pokemon, named Litten, and when Serena heard his story, she became very sad about it. It must have been horrible to lose a dear friend, but, as Ash said, Litten now had a new family and friends who cared. Serena agreed.

Either way, Serena’s ankle healed and she was very happy about it. Sitting on the couch came to an end and she got to join her friends again (not that they wouldn’t have greeted Serena anyway, especially Ash had been with her for many days, but it wasn’t the same thing just sitting on the couch as being outside and really doing something) Besides, Serena missed back to Pokemon School (she had taken a "sick leave" and it had been arranged for Professor Kukui)

But let's back to the present day.

The group had decided to spend the day at the beach. They had chosen a beach they had not yet been to and at the same time explore it.

Ash was the first on the beach (as always) and he ran straight into the water, throwing his T-shirt on the way to the sand and his cap at the same time. (he was already wearing his swim trunks) Pikachu followed him, of course, and Kiawe was soon in the water too.

The girls and Sophocles came a little calmer to the beach and instead of plunging directly into the water, they spread their towels on the warm sand and sat down on them. Sophocles dug up some of his inventions and was soon immersed in it again.

Serena, Mallow, and Lillie decided to go change their swimwear (Lana didn't need, as she always kept it under her clothes) so when the others went looking for a change room, Lana had already unzipped her clothes and dived to explore the beach waters with Popplio.

This beach seemed to be more popular than the others as there were other people and Pokemon too. The girls quickly found change rooms, and changed their swimwear. Then they decided to go back to the others. They took their bags and headed for the others.

As they walked towards the others, Serena watched the other people and the Pokemon. They were of all looks and sizes. They passed a crowd of teenage girls giggling and gossiping about each other and Serena immediately noticed the reason for it.

A short distance from the girls, there was a group of boys who girls were flashing, and Serena noticed that the boys were also flashing girls. One's gaze would also go to Serena, but she noticed it and increased the pace. She was not at all amused to be stared at by unknown boys.

Ash and Kiawe had come out of the water and sat down on the beach, and Ash watched Pikachu and the other Pokemon play a short distance away from them. Then something crashed past him and Ash identified Mallow had run into the water and then, without warning, splashed water on them.

Ash and Kiawe looked at each other, then grinned and plunged into the water with Mallow. Soon all three were throwing water on top of each other and the Pokemon were watching them from the shore.

Lillie had brought a parasol with her and was now sitting under it, spreading sunscreen on her hands. Snowy sat next to her and looked at the others. Neither of them was any friends of the direct sun and that’s why Lillie preferred to sit in the shade. She took a brush from her bag and, noticing it, Snowy whimpered happily. Lillie smiled at her. She knew Snowy enjoyed brushing her fur.

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