Prologue: Y/n, The Ironsmith Alchemist

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Before I start I just would like to say that this story isn't meant to disclose any of Envy's actions. Envy did terrible things in FMA, and that is absolutely not OK. This story isn't meant to romanticize any of those actions, this story is simply for fun, and that's it.
So this is pretty much what I said in the description but I'll repeat it again. Most of the Envy x reader stories on here are either very short or haven't been updated since 2017 for some reason. So I decided to write my own. Also this is my first x reader story, I've done a reader insert before but it wasn't a x reader so this is kinda new to me. Anyway, I hope you enjoy my story!
You probably already knew this, but Brotherhood spoilers will be here! Don't be spoiled, the story is worth experiencing blind!

||Y/n's POV||

I sat in Colonel Mustang's office with quiet anticipation. I heard the door click and I turned my head over to see who had arrived. It was the Colonel, he handed me a paper and silently waited for me to look at it. I gently held it while biting my lip. I read over the words carefully.

This official document certifies that the nation of Amestris, prefecture of the Generalissimo appoints the name Ironsmith to Y/n L/n, in the name of Fuhrer King Bradley.

The State Alchemist shall follow all orders and policies of the military.

A research assessment examination shall be held once every year. In the case that the State Alchemist does not show signs of progress in their research as a result of the examination, they shall be discharged from the services of State Alchemist.

The State Alchemist is entitled to the use of ample research funds, unrestricted access to classified documentation, access to various governmental facilities, and a military rank equal to that of "major".

-- King Bradley

My eyes widened, I had to keep myself from screaming. I looked over to the Colonel who was now smiling.

"Congratulations, now you can be officially called a dog of the military." He commented with a smirk.

"Thank you, sir!" I spoke, I was going to burst from the excitement.

He walked over to me and reached for something in his pocket. "This is your State Alchemist pocket watch, it will serve as your identification." he informed while handing me a small wooden box. I gently opened it to see a silver watch with an Amestrian Dragon engraving: the symbol of The State Alchemist Program.

I thanked the Colonel once more and left.


I became an Alchemist at the fairly young age of 17. My parents had died a long time ago, but I wish I could thank them. It was thanks to them that I became a State Alchemist.

My mother was the one who taught me Alchemy, while my father was an Amestrian soldier. However they both died during the Ishvalan War several years ago. They both were the ones who made me want to pursue becoming a State Alchemist.

A few years after my parents deaths I got transmutation circles tattooed on my palms, they were specifically for transmuting weapons since that ended up being what I mainly used my alchemy to make, that's probably where the name 'Ironsmith' came from.


It didn't take me too long to meet the Fullmetal Alchemist and his brother. After knowing them for awhile they told me about what happened with their mother, and what happened to their bodies. I felt terrible for them.

I told them I wanted to help them get their bodies back, they laughed about it and said if I wanted to help in someway that I could. I ended up accompanying them to the fifth laboratory, that's where we first met the Homunculi.

I've been accompanying Edward and Alphonse on a couple of their journeys since then. Something told me that this was much bigger than we originally thought it'd be.

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