|1|Fighting in the Forest|1|

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Edward, Al, Ling, the weird cat panda thing, and I were hiding from Gluttony in the forest behind some trees and bushes.

With a roar it was like he suddenly swallowed an entire part of the forest.

"Mustang... Where are you Mustang?! You killed Lust! You will pay!!" The monster roared.

"I know we said we'd stay and all, but that's seriously freaky!" Ed whisper yelled. I could feel how on edge everyone was.

"He seems to be a bit angry.." Ling commented.

"A bit!?" I whisper yelled back at him. We were staying at an abandoned cabin and we had Gluttony captured, however he managed to break free. After that he went on a rampage while trying to kill Mustang. We managed to get Mustang, Hawkeye, Lan Fan, and Dr. Knox away safely, but now we had to take care of Gluttony.

"How are we going to catch him?" Al questioned worriedly. Suddenly there was a rustling noise in the bushes. Ling instinctively hopped into a fighting position. "What was that?" Al whispered with a hint of concern in his tone. We soon laid our eyes upon the source of the noise, it was a dog. But it was like it's eyes were glowing red.

"...A dog?" I questioned.

"Stop it. Now Gluttony!" it suddenly spoke, catching Gluttony's attention.

"A talking dog?" Ed stated.

"Hey, long time no see." The dog remarked with a smirk on its face. Sparks of Red darted around the dog's feet as it scaled upward to review who it truly was: Envy. His hair flopped down around his face. "How are you, Fullmetal pipsqueak? Oh, and is that the Iron brat too? It's been awhile, hasn't it?"

Before I even had a chance to react Ed was already yelling. "Dammit! I told you before! Don't call me short!" he yelled as he jumped in to kick Envy. Envy quickly ducked and ran to the side, while Ed's kick hit a tree. He looked over to Envy and glared.

"Hey calm down!" Envy spat out while waving his hands out in front of him. "I'm just here to get Gluttony back, no more than that! I don't want to fight you pipsqueak-"

"THAT'S FIVE TIMES NOW!" Ed screamed going in for a punch, however Envy quickly jumped away and landed on a nearby tree branch.

"What are you talking about?"

"That's five times you've called my pipsqueak! Twice here, and three times at the laboratory! And don't tell me you've forgotten!" Ed accused, he was practically fuming.

"Impressive, you've got a short memory there." Envy commented while jumping back.

"Hold it!" Ed yelled in response.

Envy glanced over to Gluttony. "You're becoming bothersome." he told the other Homunculus.

"Mustang was here! Must avenge Lust! Swallow, swallow, swallow him up!" Gluttony repeated as if he was going to burst with anger.

"You don't get the Colonel, or the Eric brothers." Envy told Gluttony.

"Why not?!"

Ling interrupted them and spoke, "I've sensed this multiplicity before. How many people are inside you, Homunculus?" Ling questioned, earning a glare from Envy.

"I know you," he started as he rested his arm on top of Gluttony's head. "You're the kid who crossed swords with Wrath, aren't you?" Envy asked with a smirk.

"What do you mean 'kid'" Ling commented as he readied his sword. "I happen to be the 12th son of the Emperor of Xing, my name is-"

"Eat him." Envy ordered, patting Gluttony's head.

Ling immediately started running as Gluttony soon followed. He was screaming a lot, I tried to go after him to help. But suddenly Ed had put up a wall between Gluttony and us.

"Ling, Y/n, you get that one!" Ed yelled at us. With that comment I looked over at a now grinning Envy.

"Heh, very well, let's see how good you two are." Envy chuckled, he then looked over at Ling. "You held off Wrath, but how will you do against me?" he said readying himself as Ling was already dashing at him.

Ling makes multiple slashes and strikes towards Envy, however he doges each of the precisely.
"Heh, you really know how to use that thing." he taunted still managing to evade Ling's attacks.

"Thank you for the compliment, really!" Ling retorts, grabbing Envy's arm and slicing open his side.

Surprisingly Envy smirks, "You fell for it!" Envy then transformed his arm into a long green snake that quickly wrapped its coils around Ling's neck.

"Ling!" I yelled out. I quickly tried to figure out what I could transmute to help him.

"Good, isn't it? And you humans can't do anything like it. So what will it be? Strangled to death? Bitten to death? Or just carved up into little pieces?" Envy chuckled as he turned his other arm into a sharp, long blade.

Ling chuckled quietly, "Hehe, none of the above." Ling let go of his sword and kicked dirt into Envy's eyes to momentarily blind him. Ling yanked off Envy's snake arm with his now free hand. In Envy's state of shock, Ling grabbed his sword and made a slice down Envy's chest.

I used this moment while Envy was stunned to make a stone spear with the rock in the ground.

I ran up beside Ling as Envy fell to his knees. He made a surprisingly large impact as the ground shook around him.

"That was a dirty trick... blinding me, that's not playing fair.." Envy commented hunched over.

"People have been trying to assassinate me since I was a kid. Under the circumstances you can't blame a guy for learning to fight dirty." Ling informed as he began to walk over to the wounded Envy. "So, have you had enough yet? Are you going to come with me quietly now? I just want whatever information you can give me about becoming immortal. Or shall we go again?"

Envy's head jerked up to face Ling. "You scum! A mere human like you can't condescend to me!"

"You seem to underestimate humans, and that's a mistake!" Ling yelled.

Out of nowhere Al and Ed came crashing through the wall. If I didn't dodge, they would've hit me!

"Are you two okay?!" I questioned while the words were laced with concern.

"Stay outta my way guys, I'm busy-" Ling started but was quickly forced to dodge an attack from Envy. He managed to cut one of Envy's legs off.

Envy screamed as he fell into the ground. He once again left a big indent in the dirt.

Ling was just about to stab Envy in the chest when his body quickly transformed into Lan Fan. She had a pleading look in her eyes. It froze Ling in place.

"Don't fall for it Ling!"I called as I sprinted over to him I tried to take a stab at Envy.

"Go for it Gluttony!" Envy yelled with a large smile on his face.

"Ling, Y/n!" Ed yelled as he ran over and tried to push Ling and me away.

"What?" Envy cried. Envy quickly pulled himself up and tried to grab Ed's leg.

I heard Al call after his brother. But then everything went black.

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