|3|The Bullet That Started it All|3|

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"I thought so, I should've known it'd be you guys." Envy commented as he walked up and sat on a rock near the platform Ed and Ling were on.

"Y/n! You're okay!" Ling said happily, but became more serious as he directed his attention to Envy. "And Envy. What are you doing with Y/n?"

Before Envy or I could respond Edward yelled, "Please show me the way out of here!!" while looking to Envy. This was followed by a gasp from Ling. The two began arguing back and forth. Ling said something about asking for help from the enemy, followed by Ed saying that if it meant getting out of here he'd be his best friend. I walked up next to Envy and sat down on a rock.

I sighed and interrupted their argument. "Calm down you two! It's not like he's using me as hostage or anything, we were just working together so we could find you two."

"Really? No way..." Ling said seeming surprised.

"Well that's good and all, but how are we supposed to get out of here?" Ed asked.

"Sorry to disappoint but there is no exit." Envy answered agitated. I already knew this and looking down solemnly, I heard Ed and Ling's gasps break the silence. "You've really gotten us into a fine mess. I can't believe you got me swallowed with you." Envy commented as he face palmed.

"You just said swallowed, so we really are inside Gluttony's stomach?" Ling questioned.

"Well yes and no," I was surprised, earlier he told me we were inside, what did he mean? "you see it's a lot more complicated than that. Just ask the Pipsqueak- I mean the alchemist, he should've realized what this place is."

"What are you talking about Envy? Earlier you told me we were in Gluttony's stomach." I asked sternly.

"If I'd tried to explain it to you, you wouldn't have understood. Frankly I still don't think you'll understand." Envy said as he slumped into a slouch. "Well Fullmetal, got any ideas?"

"I did notice something when Gluttony swallowed us... it was like I had a familiar feeling." Ed informed as he searched his thoughts.

"So you do remember then? This isn't the first time you've been through this." Envy squinted his eyes as his eyebrows angled into them.

Ed was taken back as he seemed to have remembered something. "...The portal of truth! But... But it wasn't pitch black or filled with a sea of blood. It was more like.. like an entirely white void." Ed explained as he motioned with his hands.

"Oh yeah? So that's what the real one looks like."

"The real one..?"

Envy leaned back, "Gluttony is a failed experiment by our father to create his own portal of truth."

"He's... A what?" Ed looked petrified.

Envy leaned back in as his eyes narrowed, "Despite how powerful our father is he still couldn't create one.. We're trapped inside a defective portal of truth. So this place exists somewhere between reality and truth."

"In between...?"

"And I can assure you, there's no way out of here. The only option is to sit here until our strength runs out." Envy informed as a bead a sweat slid down his face. "And that's it, all we can do is wait here and die."

There was a long pause till someone said something. "No way... Don't think I'm falling for any of that crap! I know you're lying to us Envy! You're lying aren't you!" Ed accused. Envy's eyebrows twitched as his teeth gritted into a frown.

"So there really isn't a way out?... We're gonna die here?" Ling's voice wavered.

"Wait... no... hold on! I can't die here! What's Al gonna do if I die? We made a promise... and he... he needs me to get back to normal!" Ed said his voice cracking, His eyebrows narrowed as he cursed, "...Dammit! I want to know who your father is! Who'd try to create there own portal?! It's Führer Bradley isn't it!?" Edward's hand shook into a fist.

"Tch, what are you serious? Ha, Nice try but King Bradley isn't anything more than a homunculus." Envy addressed.

Ling spoke, "Told you so."

"It's gotta all be linked together then..." I said as I pieced the facts together.

"The Fifth Laboratory... Human lives sacrificed to make make Philosopher's Stones... Homunculi... And if the Führer is on your side... Then I'm guessing your the ones behind Ishval?" Edward insinuated as his teeth gritted against each other.

"Oh Ishval?!" Envy exclaimed, he than laughed for moment before speaking again, "I couldn't have asked for a more enjoyable job than that! You remember the incident that started the war, right?"

"I always heard that it was because an Ishvalen child was accidentally shot by a military officer.." I told as I began to grow worried.

"Yup!" Envy chimed as he flicked his hand outward, bringing it back to place on his chest, "And the one that proudly pulled the trigger was none other than yours truly!"

I could hear my breathe hitch as my eyes widened. Is he really being serious...? He couldn't be! He's got to be lying to us...! Right?!

"You have no idea how good that felt! I ravaged their entire country with a single bullet! I mean talk about invigorating!" He laughed, "Oh and the best part," He clapped his hands together, "the officer that I pretended to be, he was actually a moderate who'd always publicly opposed the military's occupation in Ishval." Edward abruptly jumped down into the sea of blood and began stomping his way towards Envy. "And listen to this! The poor fool couldn't come up with a possible defense and they court marshaled him!" Envy grinned widely, "You know I don't think I'll ever get over how easily manipulated humans are. Hehehe, hahaha!" Envy said as he let his chuckle out.

"So your responsible, your the one who shot and killed that poor innocent child? You destroyed my home town, you drove out the Ishvalens?! You're the one who turned Scar into a murderer?!" Ed stopped through the blood as he made his way to the still smirking Envy. "And it was you... you're the reason Winry's parents were killed?! You're the one to blame!" Ed raised his automail arm and delivered a forceful punch straight into Envy's smug face. However, the homunculus didn't even flinch.

"Envy... Envy how could you..?" I said quietly backing away from him. I couldn't understand it, he seemed hysterical about the fact that he caused an entire war. It was terrifying. But for a moment I saw his eyes dart to mine. I couldn't make it out but they seemed almost guilty, but they quickly changed when he looked back to meet Edward's gaze.

"What the hell? He didn't budge." Ed observed.

"OK then. If that's how you want it." Envy glared at Edward as red sparks began to dart around his body.

"Ed, Y/n get back!" Ling yelled. Envy stood up as his body swayed into a fighting stance.

"I'm gonna show you three something neat before we die. Consider it a parting gift." Envy's form molded and changed into an animal like being starting with his hands and face. His nose grew out and his eyes changed shape, the whites in his right became black with a glowing red iris, while his left eye's iris split into multiple smaller ones. The monster's hands became huge as the fingernails grew to sharp points.

"Did you notice his footprints, back when we were fighting in the forest?" Ling quizzed Ed and me.

"Yeah, I think I know what you're talking about." I spoke as I prepared my sword.

Ed answered Ling's question saying, "What? No. What's your point?"

"Just that he's freakishly heavy for the size of his body. He might be bigger than he looks..." Ling concluded, we all tracked our eyes up as Envy's form had completely changed from his previous shorter version. 

It was horrifying. His skin had turned a swamp green and his hair had grown out and fell against his back. His body was huge, I couldn't imagine how the previously fairly small  homunculus had been able to transform into such a frighteningly gigantic beast. The worst part was the abound heads stuck to the monster's neck. Screaming, crying, soulless heads with empty eyes and mouths. 

"What the hell is that?" I gasped. "Is that really Envy?"

Ling spoke out a command, "It appears so, prepare yourselves. We'll have to fight him off."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2022 ⏰

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