Any song

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"Say something"
"I'm sick and tired of my every day".

"That's not my scene".

"Come on, okay look. I will pay you 20 bucks to get your emo depressed self out to enjoy life."

"First of all I'm not emo or depressed. Second I'll do it for 30 not 20 bucks".

"I'm not paying you 30 dollars to go to my party "

" Why".

"Because I'm not made out of money".

"It's 30 bucks".

"If its 30 bucks then why do you need it".

"Because I'm poor".

"Fine I'll give you 25".


3305 Maple drive is this it. No one's here yet. I guess I'm early to the party. why did I come here I'm literally one of the most inverted people of the planet. But Jackson payed me 25 buck to be here. I could buy 12 packs of Ramen with that. there at least a couch I can sit on. Wait this really nice. Its soft like velvet. Also smells like. It smells like piss. Well im sitting in piss. Years of elevation have lead me, humanity and my bloodline to thus. If Jackson could see me now. He' d be laughing his ass off. The little sh-.

"Clay what are you doing here".

"Sitting on the piss in your couch".

" Oh my god, glad to see you have changed since college. Still as dense."

" Still a party animal Isee. Remember that one time you were blacked out and started waving at the stop signs, saying the were pentagon people here to spy on us from the government."

" Don't remind me of all the dumb stuff I've done in my life".

" Anyway what brings you here. You definitely did lot make a decision to come here by yourself".

" Jackson gave me 25 dollars to come here".

" Sweet gig, that's like 25 packs off Ramen.

" You did not change at all too, still bad at math."

" Yeah I am, people are coming now let me get the door."

I said something that wasn't stupid huh. Maybe I'm not that dumb after all. I'm going to be optimistic. This party is going to be fun. I'll make friends and be social.

It sometimes nice to catch up with properly I haven't seen robin since college anyways. This still isn't my scene but I'm going to try and enjoy it none the less. I still wish I was at home ,kind of.

This is boring. Normally parties would be to intense for me. But I feel kind of disconnected from here. Even though talk and mingle among people. It still feels like my energy is slowly been drained away from me. Weirdly enough I haven't ran into Jackson yet.

3 hour here i still feel like i should leave. I feel like. I don't belong here . its still daylight but people are going hard twerking ,throwing it back and everything you can image and worse. I just wanna read a book.
BeCaUsE I'm DiFfErEnT. Maybe I am from these people does not mean I'm better just not quite the same.

I might act like I'm there or here or anywhere. Act excited to see you and talk to you sometimes I am but although I feel like I'm just kind of disconnected from reality. Maybe because I dream and read to much.

Its raining now its felt like 5 hours but its been 1. Its said its going to rain around 5, I guess that was true after all, I like the rain I know that a conservation opinion but I actually like getting wet. The rain makes me feel free. I feel the best and freshest in the rain. I have know prof for this but I think the air freshest when is raining hard.

Screw it. I'm going out in the rain to escape this horrible tharns of suffering. I'm being dramatic but it kind of feels like. Just a little bit.

The rain around me falling hard. i'm soaked but I really don't care i'm to happy to notice. All the bad parts it feels like I'm walking on air. Even though its quite the opposite. It fact the average person feels like their drowning. But I'm different we all are in someway that what makes us human. We are not the same even if we are an is it so wrong.

Even though I'm soaked I don't care its still better that being there I'm going to go home and then buy 12 packs of ramen this is funnest thing I've ever done.

Thank you for reading me second story any song. This time I did really include that many elements from the song but I hope you still like it.
Any song is a song by Zico. You should try to listen to it while reading it.

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