Chapter- 2

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Rishi was in another trance. He didn't notice how his words crushed Avantika's heart.
She couldn't balance herself but before she could fall Kashaf came to hold her.
"Bhai, Bhai,...what did you say?.... Why?"
Somehow Avantika's trembling voice made his eyes blink.
He tried to look at his family but couldn't. There were no words he could find. Let alone words there was no voice left in him.
Somehow, Kashaf felt something was terribly wrong. Making Avantika sit she carefully called his son. "Rishi,....."

When Rishi heard this he sadly smiled. And gave his mother a file. "This is for Avantika." He said, and this got Avantika's attention.

She came forward to take that file. But for some slightest moment, she doesn't want to take that file from him. While taking the file, she felt that something is going to change their relationship forever. She was scared. But she trusted her brother and her own family. No matter what.

When she opened the file... She sighed in relief first but then some lines caressed her forehead. "Bhai, Seriously! what is this? Why are you giving me shares in your property? I don't need them. I only need you to be with me. You scared the hell out of me...." She stopped and look at the state of her brother again who looks distraught.

Before she can ask anything her brother said, "I'm sorry Avantika, I cannot be with you from now on."

Avantika gave her brother a confused face at first. She was always pampered by her family. She was not used to such words. Her brother was hers.

"Please, tell me what's wrong with you before I go insane." Avantika tried to warn her brother but tears spilled from her eyes as her lips trembled.

Rishi gave her a determined look. Tried his best to find the words and then said.
"My baby sister, Rishika needs me...." He stopped to take a long breath and continued. "... I'm going to bring her back and she will never come back if you will be here."

He knew that Avantika is not ready for such words but he had to do this. "So, from now, we part our ways."

This made her stumble back. Her brother, her rock, her everything was taken from her in seconds.

Rishi saw her state and only more tears filled his eyes.
"Trust me you have no idea, how sorry I'm. But this is only I could be for you." He stopped to give Avantika some time and then continued.

"You are better off without me....if it's possible please try to forgive me."

As soon as Rishi said these words... Rishi's father, Sanjay Mehra shouted "What the hell are you talking about, Rishi? why do we want to bring that girl here? Don't you remember how she tried to kill Avantika? And don't you dare to forget what shame she brought on our family." His father's voice echoed in the hall room and he could be seen red with anger.

This time Kashaf intervened. "Why are you doing this? You do realize that Avantika's wedding is in a month? Why are you trying to bring that girl back?"

The silence prevailed and when she didn't get a reply from Rishi, she continued.

"I regret giving birth to her. You know what? I really wish she gets a painful death. People like her don't even deserve to live". As soon as she said this, Rishi lost it.

"Maaaa..., (Mom) How could you say such things for her? How could you even think about her death...." Rishi shouted at his mother.....

His mother flinched when she saw how her son shouted at her.

When Rishi saw her mother shiver, he realized his mistake and tried to get a hold over him.

But then it dawned on him. It was not their fault that they hate her. It's always has been his fault.

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