Chapter -5

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Rishi was driving at full speed. And almost got hit by a car as he tried to overtake. He was scared but beyond furious. All he wanted was to get to his sister in no time.

Soon, he reached the hospital and saw a lot of media people and police cars. Without acknowledging them he went straight to ICU. There he saw Paul and his family getting treated by doctors and noticed how police were providing them protection.

Then he heard a nurse asking, "Does anyone contacted Rishika's family?"

On cue Rishi, walked to the doctor beside that nurse. The doctor informed him that due to the attack Rishika has two broken ribs. So, it will take time to heal.

It was like someone put cold water on him. "Where is she?" He asked and the doctor starts showing him the way as he said, "I will suggest some visits to a psychiatrist too." Rishi only nodded at his advice while his eyes just wander for his Rishika. He could feel his heartbeat. His hands were trembling. And breathing irrational.

And there she was frustratingly looking at the nurse as she was going to inject her yet another injection. "Don't you dare to intimidate her?" He warned Rishika.
The moment she looked at her brother her eyes become teary and next she found herself engulfed by her brother's hug. A groan escaped her mouth as she hauled with pain.
"Does it hurt too much?" Rishi asked cupping her face and carefully looking at her cut on the lip.
"I am sorry," She mumbled with her eyes down.

"Don't you dare to give me that. You didn't even think of me for a single moment. Tell me, Rishika how I am ever supposed to live without you."

"I,... I was just returning the book. And then, everything happened." Rishika mumbled with guilt as her eyes felt heavy. She was in no position to have this interrogation and Rishi guessed it too but he needs to make sure that she understands even in her unconscious state he said carefully.
" Rishika, I need you to promise that you will never put yourself in such events ever." He stopped to get her hair behind her ear and pulled the sheets to cover her as he continued. "You detect danger. You run. It is this simple. Promise me." He patted her head lightly. She gave him a weak nod before getting into the sleep.

Rishi got out and saw Paul in the waiting area with a little bandage on his head and a sling around his arm.

He still feels a shiver recalling the moment when he saw someone about being abused for years and the next thing he read was about the heroic act of Mehra's daughter with Rishika's body taken inside the hospital's building on the screen.

He walked to him. He was watching Paul for the first time. And regrets not having a track on Rishika's circle. So, he decided to do it now.
"you know she always talks about you. You are her idol. She loves you a lot."

Paul said when he saw Rishi sitting beside him for fifteen minutes now. "I am really sorry that her life was put into danger because of me" Watching Rishi's popping vein on his temples he stopped before continuing, "I can only imagine if anything happens to you, she will create havoc to get you back," Paul said it otherwise because he knew the whole situation of Avantika, Rishi, and Rishika. Before he can continue, Rishi cuts him off, "Do you like her?"

Paul laughed at the thought and replied, "Yes, but she is like my sister. For me, she is like a bird, who should never be in a cage because she belongs to the sky. "

Rishi nodded at this and said with a proud smirk, "Even if you like her, I'll make sure you two don't have a future. She is not supposed to live with a broken person like you."

Paul still looked composed. And this irks Rishi a little but he continued, "I know you were the victim of circumstances, but I know my sister. If she puts her life in saving you, it means you are very special to her. But remember, she is like a bird who belongs to the sky, she cannot be someone to heal you. I won't allow her."

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