How To Tell Her You Love Her- Chapter 10 (Double digits!)

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Hey guys, sorry if you've been confused as to Damen, Damen is SOPHIE's older brother and Dylan is Liam's. Sorry, it's just that my iPod changed the name Dylan to Damen for some reason, so now you have that straight :) xoxo oh and one more thing- I have really bad writers' block now, and I know how I'm going to continue my story but I can't word it so sorry if this chapter is boring :D xoxo


Christian Willows is standing at my door, telling me he's my neighbor.

Okay, what's the joke?

"Uh... So..." Christian said, looking at me weirdly and smirking at my open mouth.

"Oh!" I snapped and forced a nervous smile at him.

"Ye-yeah... I-I'm Sally-I mean Sophie- erm, that's my middle name, I, uh, get confused." I blabbered, stammering on.

Christian continued to watch with an amused look.

"I'm Christian... Call me Chris." He extended a hand. Trembling from excitement, I shook it.

"Hey, Chris... er, so, we, ah, just moved here and you live...?"

"Next to your house? That villa." He pointed offhandedly at a huge villa that, in comparison to ours, was heaven.

"Nice. Well. This is my older brother Damen... And my mum is... Er.... Somewhere." I stepped aside, introducing Damen, who looked at Chris curiously, nodded curtly, and did that weird fist box thing guys do.

What's with that?

"Cool. So, um, I guess you're gonna be going to my school?" Christian then flicked his hair.

This is such a cliche and fail move for most guys, but when Christian did it, his gorgeous brown hair tousled perfectly to the side over his electric green eyes and simply left you dazzled.

"Uh... What school would that be?" Damen stepped in, noticing how I was speechless.

"South LA High?"

"Yeah. Uh, we'll see you there I guess?" Damen grinned, waved goodbye, and closed the door.

"Dayum." I breathed.

Chris had acted in all my favorite movies, TV shows, modelled for Abercrombie & Fitch, everything.

"Soph." Damen chuckled.

"Still, my heart belongs to Liam." I confirmed, whilst Damen pretended to puke.

The week before school went by in a blur. I was starting to miss Liam more and more. Damn it! Why did he have to be so perfect and so miss-able?!

Liam's POV

I missed Sophie so much.

Everything reminded me of her- blue reminded me of her eyes, white of her gorgeous skin, pink of her lips, black of her tresses- every laugh I heard sounded like hers.

Plus, I knew I had competition as well- not only Jake, but I knew there were a lot of, as she put it 'hot' guys in LA- not good.

"Liam, you're dead." I spun round to see Jake, clenching his fists and hissing at me.

"If I can't have her, then no one can." He continued, and threw a punch at me.

I dodged it easily; see, this is where karate comes in handy.

I threw one back at him, my fist meeting his nose and crunching.

"Dammit..." Jake groaned, clutching his nose.

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